Published Jul 12, 2012
7 Posts
There is so many medications which ones should i focus on for the NCLEX?????? I feel so overwhelmed trying to memorize all these medications side effects, toxicity levels, adverse reactions, and so on...It is too much......Is there alot of medication questions on the NCLEX??????
49 Posts
I had about 5-10 questions with meds on the nclex. I don't think you can really ever know all the possible meds. Some people I know got only 1 or 2... other's like me had more. Some of the meds I was familiar with from Kaplan - but most of the time it would be thrown into a SATA or something. And that was the one that I stumbled on... should I click it or not click it??? Focus on drug classes, know how and when to administer them. There really isn't a whole lot more you can do. I had 75 questions total. I was done in an hour and 15. I felt like I had a good sense of when I was doing well ... questions did get harder IMO, and when I did worse ... questions would change back from alternative to straightforward. Got the good pvt pop-up 40 minutes later! Hope that gives you a little help. Definitely look at the meds in Kaplan if you have access. Good luck!
79 Posts
I had about 5 med questions. It's pointless and impossible to memorize all the meds so I would suggest knowing the important meds such as lithium and dig (toxicity levels), heparin and coumadin (control levels), insulin, cialis, hypertension meds (sartans, thiazide) etc... My friend had a lot of select alls with meds but pretty much did process of elimination when answering. Good luck!!! Hope this helps.
15 Posts
26 Posts
Over half of my exam was peds/ob
Thank you!!!I figure I will take the last 2 week of studying do all the NS81 said Imma study the ones I had in clinical....the ones that kept popping up!!!!
5 Posts
I got TONS OF MEDS and just took my test two days ago. I don't feel like there was ever a good way to prepare but just review the ones you have trouble with and hope for the best. I also had Kaplan so I did all the content review lectures on pham and the focus review tests that were just meds. Good luck!!!!
just took it two days ago, had quite a bit on OB/PEDS.
88 Posts
Study your meds in classifications; learn them by endings if it applies (there's always that special snowflake that doesn't fit into the cookie cutter ending that gives it away - make sure you know those because you might get thrown for a loop otherwise!).
For side effects, it's impossible to learn every single SE for every single drug. NCLEX is a safety and minimum competency exam - not a pharmacology exam! Learn broad SE for each classification and if there's a special SE that's **unique** to a certain drug then memorize beta 2 antagonists (the "-olol"s...remember theres beta 1s that act predominately in the lungs, but some beta 2s can reach out to that area too) can cause bronospasms, so watch out if you have a guy with asthma or status asthmatics and he's getting a dose of this. Always think worse case scenario. If it's remote possibility for a SE and it threatens the ABCs (and obviously makes sense!) ...snatch that answer up and run with it!
But don't stress yourself. You may end up getting meds you've never heard of...then you use your orificenal of the ABCs, safety, and prioritization and pick one that sounds right.
Best of luck to you!!! You will do great!! :)
itsnowornever, BSN, RN
1,029 Posts
126 Posts
congratulations alovejos.