Published Apr 9, 2011
1 Post
I am a Rn, BSN. I need advice PLEASE on my boyfriends mother who i have ran out of ideas in dealing with her politely. She is a medical assistant and thinks MA stands for medical advice. My problems are whenever i take my daughter to the doctor she is ALWAYS second guessing the doctors orders example: My daughter had a mild allergic reaction to Cefzil, she broke out in hives (no breathing difficulty). The dr put her on Pednisone and told me to continue benadryl. She freaked out and told me not to give her the two together because they are the same drug ;( Then she called my daughter's pediatrician and questioned her! I was so embarrassed when they called me. I have tried to tell her nicely to butt out but she insist on giving me medical advice and had the nerve to tell me that she would never want to be a nurse because she would gain weight sitting on her butt all day!! She works in a doctors office (uh um) should i just come out and tell her off or should i continue to ignore the rude comments about my career and listen to her doctor me and my family. (by that i mean she thinks if my boyfriend coughs he needs an antibiotic and brings him samples when he tells her Jen said i shouldnt take an antibiotic everytime i get a little cold she says "What does she think she is a doctor?" really advice im out of ideas.
17 Posts
Sounds pretty typical of the medical assistants I know, both in and out of work. Best advice would be to try and explain to her how her comments make you feel both as a mom and a professional RN, but that depends on how comfortable you are addressing her comments directly. Otherwise, learn how to roll with the punches and blow it off, lol. However, that was pretty rude and inappropriate of her to call your daughter's pediatrician, I mean that isn't even her grandaughter (I'm assuming here since you said boyfriend's mother), and for goodness sake you're a RN; seems to be a lack of respect for the profession and you.
Emergency RN
544 Posts
Respect is very much a two way street. Obviously, she has very little for you as a nurse OR as a person. So...
...she thinks if my boyfriend coughs he needs an antibiotic and brings him samples...
5,978 Posts
The next time she tries to butt in, tell her "Thanks, just the same, but I'll get my medical advice from licensed medical professionals." Ditto to the above about calling her out on practicing medicine without a license. Abuse of abx. is why we have all of these "super-bugs," and people like her aren't exactly helping the situation. What if she gave someone a med that cause an anaphylactic reaction? I'd love to hear her explain herself out of that one.
Doctors' offices get what they pay for when they choose to staff their practice with MAs only. An office that includes licensed nurses offers better care for patients. My own doctor's office has a mix of MAs, LPNs and RNs. I remember one MAs who gave me some very convoluted instructions regarding medication (insurance issues with getting it filled). I called back to speak to the RN and got it clarified in less than 5 minutes.
204 Posts
Wow! I'm a CMA and where I went to school we were told to never give medical advise and it was made clear that doing so is practicing without a liscense and can carry major reprecussions. Sounds like she may just be full of herself unfortunately and I would definately tell her you are plenty educated, as well as the MD, about medical conditions and treatments so no other advise is needed.
686 Posts
First off, tell her to NEVER call your daughter's doctor again. That's not her place and completely out of line.
I would tell her what she is doing is illegal on many levels regarding the samples. dispensing, etc. Tell her once in a firm but polite way. If she gets inh trouble after that it is on her.
The reason she puts you down is because she's jealous. Plain and simple. Don't let her upset you and I'd keep my time to a minimum with her.
Neuro Guy NP, DNP, PhD, APRN
376 Posts
Then, too sounds like one of those mother in law type things. I know she your boyfriend's mother, but she may feel that for some you're not doing everything you can. Not that it is true, because you are absolutely write. I have met medical assistants who for get what being an MA is all about. Instead they think it gives them license to give medical advice, which is not safe. I personally, even if I were an MD, would never give medical advice to anyone but my patients.
How would you know what conditions or all the medications that person is on? If you told them something that is contraindicated with another medicine they have, that would be bad, especially when all patients can is "well I talk a small red pill, and then a big blue one, you which ones, right?" What that MA is doing is very wrong, especially with the samples. That can lead to huge trouble.
Stay as far away as possible. You might also consider chatting with your boyfriend about it.
1,246 Posts
She called your pediatrician's office? Did she actually talk to someone about your daughter without your approval? HIPAA, anyone?
And I agree with the other posters about dispensing and theft. She is a disaster already in progress.
Do not discuss any health issues with this woman, just nod and smile at her advice, then do what you know is best. Do not bother to argue.
Best wishes!!
162 Posts
I don't understand why so many folks let one bad example typify a whole group. One MA who goes way beyond her skills, education, etc, shouldn't overshadow all MA's. As with any profession, medical or otherwise, grouping all of one kind of person together only serves to demean all and is quite prejudiced.
As to assist the OP w/ her situation, I really cannot say what you should do. However, discuss w/ her about what medical assistants actually do, their scope of practice so to speak. Not all MA's are certified/registered/licensed, but the ones who are do have a scope of practice. I was a Medical Assistant before nursing school...Let's not attack or put down a group of people because you never really know what has transpired in another person's life...Just a thought and my 2 cents...
I don't understand why so many folks let one bad example typify a whole group. One MA who goes way beyond her skills, education, etc, shouldn't overshadow all MA's. As with any profession, medical or otherwise, grouping all of one kind of person together only serves to demean all and is quite prejudiced. As to assist the OP w/ her situation, I really cannot say what you should do. However, discuss w/ her about what medical assistants actually do, their scope of practice so to speak. Not all MA's are certified/registered/licensed, but the ones who are do have a scope of practice. I was a Medical Assistant before nursing school...Let's not attack or put down a group of people because you never really know what has transpired in another person's life...Just a thought and my 2 cents...
I am amending my statement: All MA's have a scope of practice, though it may not be w/ the Board of Nursing... AMT registers MA's and many other ancillary healthcare personnel.
I agree with you completely. I don't view all MAs are like that. I would say most are good. Just the ones I know have the wrong idea. Particularly frustrating is when you know the local private college they went to misleads them throughout the whole program about boundaries, etc. That is all I was expressing.
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
All I have to say is if she treats you like this now-just wait. I've run from situations like this, although it sounds like you have a daughter with her son (right?) so it sounds like you will need to nip, nip, nip this from the get go.
My MIL tried to run the show starting before our wedding and it was nipped by me right then-the controlling behavior and butting in when not wanted with unsubstantiated advice (advice given in love and with some knowledge behind I can handle :-) . I had the backing of my fiancee now husband of nearly 20 years. Playing nice with people doesn't always work-bluntness and sticking your ground may be your only saving grace with her.