Med Surg Certification


Specializes in med surg.

I am thinking about taking this exam in about a month, any thoughts on how to study for it. I have been in med/surg nursing for 15 years , just not sure where to start to review.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hey suni!

I have been a nurse for 16 years and my husband has been nursing for 19 years or so. We both have a wide variety of experience to draw from, but it was too long ago when we studied for boards to do us much good(as far as study habits go!) He took his cert. exam the year before I did, and I think we did pretty much the same things. We both passed the first try and my hubbie will be up for renewal this year.

What we did was study like we were going to sit for state boards. He helped quiz me and helped me things like prioritize (which would you do first in a scenario - those always tried to bite me. We left out OB and Peds, since that was not covered for med-surg cert. It seems like we had quite a bit on food and nutrition and disease processes.

This seemed to help us quite a bit, and if I can help or answer any questions, feel free to pm me. Good luck on your studying and test taking!!

Anne, RNC

Specializes in med surg.

busy rn and mom, I tried to pm you but nothing happens when I click on your profile, I will be taking the exam in about 5 weeks and have not studied intensely, I have been reviwing . Do you think if I spend 2 hours a day that will be enough?

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hey I'm sorry the pm wouldn't work. I'll try to pm you and send you an email address!


I worked in med-surg for around 1 year now, can I take the exam? For the certification, is it useful for our career?

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
I worked in med-surg for around 1 year now, can I take the exam? For the certification, is it useful for our career?

Hey 3months! I do't know how long u have to work to qualify for the medsug certification, but my hubbie and I both took it and pased the first time. Good luck, and please le me know if we can help. We will be glad o. Pm me if you need anything!

Good luck, Anne, RNC

Specializes in med surg, er.

Hi 3months! I took the exam 4 years ago and at that time you had to have at least 2 years experience . Are you going to take it through AMSN (Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses)? Am glad you are thinking about certification. Wish I had done it sooner.

Specializes in med surg.

I am taking it through AMSN and quite honestly I am starting to get nervous. I have reviewed a few things but am hoping most of it will be experience based,

Specializes in med surg, er.

Hi Suni,

Don't over study. I don't generally do well on test. I went in to the exam tired after attending a 3 day conference and getting flight delays home. Then had to get up real early and drive 2 hours for the exam. Just relax and think the questions through. They aren't trying to trick you. I will admit that I goofed on some I really should have known but made it. The best advice i can give is relax. If you have worked on the floor you will do fine.

Specializes in med surg.

Well I was an LPN for 20 years and an RN since 1994, I have done ER, OB and floated Med Surg which is my real love, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

The date is May 5th!

Specializes in Med/Surg.


I too will be sitting for the cert exam next month (in little over a week!).

I attended the 2 day Cert. Review Course this month conducted by AMSN. I think it was informative. But I wanted to know if anyone else attended this class, then took the exam and found it actually helped.

Any input would truly be appreciated. Thanx!:idea:

Specializes in med surg.

Juneria 1, Good luck! I have been trying to review things but work has been so busy and I am whipped when I get home so I am taking it next week, May 5 on a wing and a prayer. I will be thinking of you!

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