MD Anderson Grad Residency Program

U.S.A. Texas


Hello all.

Thought I would start a topic to discuss the MD Anderson Cancer Center's Grad Residency Program that is to start on June 25, 2012 and July 09, 2012. The application deadline was on April 27, 2012. Let's keep each other updated and post when MD Anderson starts calling for interviews, etc. Good luck to everyone that applied!!

Got an update: got a call that they're still very interested in me working there and they're still making placements and that they'll call me with more information next week. So I feel a ton better. At least I know that chances are good! They asked about any time constraints or schedule issues in the next few weeks so stay by yalls phones :D

That's such great news rsh!!! What a relief!

Got an update: got a call that they're still very interested in me working there and they're still making placements and that they'll call me with more information next week. So I feel a ton better. At least I know that chances are good! They asked about any time constraints or schedule issues in the next few weeks so stay by yalls phones :D
received the same call with the same type of message!!Yay! I'm thinking that their trying to match us with our preferences. But nonetheless Yay!!!

I know it's at least some good news!!

I was able to tell her that I passed boards and had my license now too so that helped I think

I was able to tell her that I passed boards and had my license now too so that helped I think

Congrats on passing the NCELX!!

Thank you!! I was so worried I failed

Congrats on your NCLEX rsh! I take mine on Monday and I'm kinda nervous!!

Mine cut off at 75 questions and I was terriified that I bombed it

Congrats Soxie! was she able to tell you what unit or shift you'd be working?

I also received the same call and email , I was hoping for a call that I actually got hired though ;/ .

My friend was hired today. I'm happy for everyone who got a call! Congrats!

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