Mayo Clinic Summer III 2018

Nursing Students General Students


Hey everyone!!!

I am so excited to apply for the Mayo Clinic externship of 2018. I have been dreaming of it since high school.

Best of luck to everyone who applies. I truly hope that all of the most passionate nurses will get in.

I started a forum, in case we wanted to talk, and bounce questions off of each other :)

All the best xoxo

I feel you @pedsRNBSN19 i am freaking out I don't know what this means that I did not get an email

I haven't gotten any email yet either :(

Hang in there guys!!! The email I got said we will find out no later than Feb 16th

Does anyone know how they choose the 50/100 candidates? Is it GPA mainly because they have you send your transcript?

I think now they read our essays? That would be my guess because I think that's what they use as a stand in for an interview. Plus, the probably wouldn't want to read 1,000 essays in the initial phase of choosing people.

It is so hard to know how they make the selections. I got an email moving to the next round but my cumulative gpa isn't that great. I had a degree before choosing nursing and didn't do that well in school so my cumulative GPA is like 3.7 but I have a 4.0 since returning for nursing. It is hard to imagine that they read 1000 plus essays already though...that seems crazy.

They did have those questions about if you'd worked in a hospital setting with patients (which I have)...that could have something to do with it? No idea though. I'm also wondering if they "accepted" more than 100 people into the final round because I feel like there are a lot of people just in this thread that got the email.

Yeah I'm not sure. My cumulative is 3.68. I know that in the past they've taken people with GPAs lower than that. I did also say that I had I had worked with patients in a non-hospital setting. I have also read posts from previous Mayo Clinic Summer III threads and a significant amount of them made it in even though it was only 50. I'm assuming it's still similar to previous years when 100 people passed into this phase?

Has anyone received a rejection email? Still haven't heard anything and not sure if that means something! Congrats to those who got the email!

Hey everyone! I currently attend SJSU in San Jose, CA! I got my email about my transcript and preferences, are they just asking for this as a confirmation of the GPA we submitted? How else are they going to screen who moves forward?

I know many of you have been wondering about the withdraw button and I just noticed that mine went away. Anyone else?

@rog999 Mine disappeared sometime this afternoon/evening as well. I feel like I'm even more nervous now that I know I've made it past the initial selection to presumably the top 100. Have you filled out your top preferences sheet? I wonder if it is "harder" to get in if you choose more "popular" specialties like one of the ICUs.

Has anyone else accepted an internship at another hospital but would decline if Mayo offered them a position? I'm kind of dreading that conversation with HR if I were to get in haha

I initially thought how it would be more strategic if I put my top choices as units that were less demanded, but then I read that they only use the preference sheet once you are selected as a candidate. I know that many of the externs in the past were offered units that they didn't show interest in. I have been offered two externships already and have accepted one, but I will definitely accept Mayo if i like what I am offered. I also have many other applications still being processed. Mayo is too much of a long shot to count on by itself.

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