Published Feb 10, 2011
154 Posts
Hi! I will be a nursing graduate may 2011! I am very excited to finally be finishing up with school but I have heard that as tough as school was, trying to find a job is even tougher. I went to school out of state and plan on returning back home to California; however, as many of my classmates have started looking for jobs (in the state I went to school), my school doesn't provide resources for out of state students. Is there any advice or help for someone that is looking for residency programs and/or nursing jobs in California? or what is it I should be doing right now? any help is great! thank you in advance!! :redbeathe
5 Posts
I hate to sound like a debbie downer, because I am in pretty low spirits, and your post is so optimistic however....I graduated in may of 2010 and still no job dispite 100+ job applications all over California and Nevada...Looking for some advice as well.
ya im trying to not think negatively about how tough things may be to find a job.. where did you apply?
6 Posts
I graduated may 2010 also, applied for over 200+ jobs, LTC, hospitals, clinics, private practices, 4 interviews and still no luck. If I were you I would steer clear of california until you get your 1 year of experience. Over half of my graduating class still have not found jobs.
herowneulogy, BSN, RN
141 Posts
Nevada and Arizona are hiring new graduates nurses into their residency programs, I believe. This is, of course, for those of you that have the means to relocate. Good luck everyone and hang in there.
457 Posts
Congrats...... Keep an open mind. I work er and ICU. I find there are many new grads frustrated because they don't want to start working med sug night shift. Many want to go straight to a critical area. Many have goals of higher education so the critical areas are needed to continue their education. I've seen several wait 7 months for a job in ED. They work as nurse tecs until they get into the position. So in other words, there is absolutely nothing wrong with night shift med surg, it allows for organization skills, you see many different things and allows for growth of independence. I think jobs are still tight but just keep an open mind.
thanks for the positive words!
Do you have to move back to California? Northern or So Cal? I usually see more residency and new grad programs in So Cal. I can't imagine in this economy anyone would turn down a night shift job! I'd kill (figuratively) for anything right now!
3 Posts
I also graduated in May 2010 from a CA school (San Francisco) but had to relocate back to my hometown of Portland OR because of the lack of jobs in the bay area. However, after 9 months as a nanny and many many applications and interviews, I finally got hired a couple weeks ago (hooray! :). All I can say is, be persistent but patient and it will come- may take awhile but stay positive! Oregon is not much better in terms of the job market, it is completely saturated with new graduates. I can't be sure, but I feel like in the last couple months it has started to get a little better here! (The only reason I say that is because last month I had 3 interviews in 2 weeks, versus 3 interviews in the 6 months before that). Good luck to all the new grads, keep your spirits up, your luck will come!
Malefocker, BSN, RN
306 Posts
I have 2 friends that graduated from San Marcos ABSN in december 2010... (that is in southern California about 45 min south of orange county) Both found hospital jobs after searching for only 3 weeks. There are definitely jobs out there just have to be persistent keep a positive attitude and hopefully that is enough! :) Good luck to everyone!
18 Posts
California is pretty saturated. There are residencies available but it is very competitive. Some of the rural hospitals may be more willing to hire, particularly if you are a RN with a BSN. Good luck!
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
No clue about California but in the Baltimore/DC area you need to be applying and interviewing NOW! Most hospitals that hire new grads will start you as a nurse graduate before you even pass NCLEX. Definitely try to make a good impression and some contacts as you do your clinicals. Many offers are the result of having an inside connection. Best of luck to everyone looking.