Published Jan 30, 2006
chris castillo
4 Posts
can anyone tell me how to obtain the study guide for the (spelling may be wrong) HESI OR HESE TEST, IT IS THE ENGLISH AND MATH TEST NEEDED PRIOR TO APPLYING TO THE NURSING PROGRAM AT MY LOCAL COLLEGE.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
It's HESI = Health Education Systems, Inc. if you use this link, there's an admission assessment study guide. Haven't used that study guide so I don't know how it is.
Good luck.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Thread moved to Pre-Nursing Student forum.
35 Posts
I've got the one I bought and don't need anymore up on Ebay right now.
Item: 7004697641
You can buy them new at for like 35.00 bucks too.
2 Posts
I took the test about 2 weeks ago, I really don't think you need to stress over it. The math was VERY basic such as addition, subtraction, mult., divison, percentages, fractions, and a few word problems. There were no hard questions like algebra or anything. I made a 86%. Now the reading was kinda in between hard and easy. I made a 71%. Both test are timed so I was pushing for time when I did the reading part. To me personally the reading was just not asked some questions that you had to read between the lines to get the answer,but you are unsure if your answer is correct. I don't think you could study for reading..but math was a piece of cake. Good luck to you.
435 Posts
This was honestly one of the eastiest test I have taken. The math is very very basic. The only other then addition, subraction, division, mulipication, a couple questions on percents and ratios.
I spent a week staying up and studying for this and I was shocked when I saw it!
I would freshen up on your vocab and read comp but other then that dont stress!
I did get the Cliff notes "Nursing entrance exam" it is pretty good but does cover more info then needed.
I wouldnt waste money on a book just go to the libary and study there for a couple of hours!
1 Post
I am also taking the Hesi test in a week. Any advice as to what I need to study? I heard it was pretty easy but I had a friend fail it!