Published Sep 20, 2014
1 Post
Hello everyone,
I am looking for alternative methods to provide students OB clinical opportunities. I would like to know if all of your clinicals are held at an inpatient postpartum site or if you have alternative clinical experiences.
kalycat, BSN, RN
1 Article; 553 Posts
Hi there, Mine were all at an inpatient site, with rotations to antepartum, L&D, and NICU. Our program was trying to move toward alternative options as well, at least for part of the rotation, but my faculty said there were some issues with the experiences we were supposed to have, number of hours, etc that were set by our Uni and state. (WA). Hope that helps a little!
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vintagemother, BSN, CNA, LVN, RN
2,717 Posts
Don't laugh....I'm trying to be helpful...
My ob clinicals were 2 tours of 2 different hospitals labor and delivery units. We did not even see any patients, let alone provide care. We watched videos of births in class. The nurses did let us see the paper strips that measure contractions . We had a great simulation lab at school in which we wrote care plans, measured babies, took orders, etc.
In spite of my dysfunctional school, I am working as are most of my classmates . /snarky/
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
I think a day or two in a pre-natal, low-income clinic would be a great clinical experience.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
We went to the local family planning center that does women's health and low risk OB. We met with the nurse manager, nurse case manager, CNM and nurse educator. We watched some of the presentations available for patients & community.
We also had tours & presentation by the regional perinatal consortium, child protective services, regional perinatal addiction program that serves a large 2 county area (very interesting presentation on protocols & treatment options ), the regional infant-toddler assessment program did a presentation, NICU wasn't an option as 2 BSN program had clinicals but 2 NICU nurses did an educational presentation, a presentation from the county prosecutor & lead SANE nurse, county health special child health, early intervention nurse case managers & patient evaluator nurses, invited to local childbirth education classes and the county WIC director.
This was in addition to half day shifts on the L&D unit, high risk peri/antenatal unit, newborn nursery and special care nursery
I forgot, we did go to a clinic that provided walk in std tx and other family planning services. Our maternity and Peds clinicals are a blur in my mind. We did a few days in a medi-cal clinic that provided care for infants through elderly, also.
We also helped at a non profit that provided non medical care for pregnant moms.
151 Posts
We spent a full day in different areas: 4 days in L & D, 2 days in NICU, 2 days in perinatal care, 1 day in triage & 2 days in mother/baby. I loved how I got to see a little of everything!
237 Posts
To expose my students to every facets of OB nursing, I use in-patient postpartum, antepartum, Labor and Delivery, NICU and Newborn Nursery. On low census days, we go to OB/GYN clinic and Family Planning clinic. Every semester, we visit the morgue to see the still births, products of abortions, placentas and of course, expired patients.