Published Feb 25, 2007
3 Posts
Please no-one slam me for this post. I received my acceptance letter from Maryville WEC and I have seem to be having second thoughts about nursing school. I am ready to have another child and have played the waiting game for school for almost a year. It consumed my life waiting for this letter.
I put a lot of things on hold b/c I did not know if I would get in or not.
I have an okay job right now that makes pretty good money and looking at the salaries of a new nurse I would be taking a pretty good pay cut.
Money isn't everything but lets be honest - it does help.
My concern is that I haven't taken any AP classes in over 10 years. I don't have the money to retake these classes plus I still have one more class before I would be accepted anyways.
I just fear that without the AP knowledge these nursing courses will be too difficult. I don't know that I can re-learn everything in such a short period of time.
I know that school is hard and you don't know everything but I am fearful. It is a lot of money to put out if I don't think I can do it.
I have had the pep talks with my self that I can do anything I put my mind to.
Just having the debate of waiting to have another child or going to school.
Again I just fear the courses are too difficult.
Can anyone give me honest advise about school?
WDWpixieRN, RN
2,237 Posts
Jeepers....I don't know what to tell you....I'm not sure when you say "AP" courses if you mean as in Advanced Placement or Anatomy & Physiology?!?!
You don't mention your age....I also don't know what your course background is previous to this....and no, money's not everything; you're right there....
I'm an older returning student (had a previous BS from Maryville, as a matter of fact in Business)....if you're young enough, and have completed your chemistry and bio requirements within the past 5 years, why not apply to St. Louis Community Colleges (they have 3 campuses)? There's about a 2-year wait....that way, you can save up some money in anticipation of returning to school and not can have that second child and enjoy some time with them before you start school, and also have a slightly slower pace (but not much, lol)....
But a lot of these decisions will have to be based on what YOU want...if you can deal with what you're doing careerwise now for the rest of your life, or some facsimile of it, then drop the whole idea of going back to school....if you think you're really drawn to nursing as a career, then start looking at other alternatives....heaven knows in the St. Louis area we're VERY fortunate to have lots of options for the least, put Maryville on hold for a while....they're not going they allow a deferment? I had to do that at the community college as I was about 5 weeks from having my 5 years in at my company and being vested when I was accepted...I absolutely could not afford to walk away from that and the CC allowed for a one-semester helped me a LOT...
Best wishes!!
47 Posts
first have to be over on the disboards too:)
Anyway, I wanted to let the poster know that Maryville is great, but it is really hard. I started the BSN program fall01 with all my undergrad classes after just having my 3rd child. FAll05 is when I actually started my nursing classes. I could not make it through the first semester:( It was just too hard and time consuming with my young children. I do not even work full time. Everyother weekend I was gone and one night a week for classes/clinicals.......the teachers were good, it was just really hard, and all my other classes had not been so difficult........I did get back on the wagon though:) I am just finishing my first semester at Chamberlain. It was just as hard, but since my classes are online(not for everyone) I am able to be home so much more. I graduate fall 2008!!!
Thank you for your replies.
I am 30 yrs old and have my degree in Bus. Administration from Maryville.
I am really struggling with this decision.
I work full time and cannot afford to quit that job. So I would go to school full time and work full time.
I did this last time only I did not have a child at that point.
School has always been difficult for me but it seemed better as an adult. I appreciated it more and studied harder (well most of the time).
Now that I have a family I know it will be even harder.
Just confused.
I think I am frustrated b/c my current job is new and I am not grasping things like I thought I should...
A lot of programming and technical things.
I have always thought very highly of nurses but just came to the realization that I should have volunteered somewhere first to see if I like the field.
It is a huge change.
I have wonderful hours at work right now and fear working nights/weekends/holidays all that good stuff.
I keep waiting for that lightbulb moment if I should go back to school or not.
Unfortunately it has not hit me yet.
It is good to know feedback about the courses and clinicals.
The more knowledge I have the wiser decision I can make.
Thanks Again
I think I am frustrated b/c my current job is new and I am not grasping things like I thought I should...A lot of programming and technical things.I have always thought very highly of nurses but just came to the realization that I should have volunteered somewhere first to see if I like the field.It is a huge change. I have wonderful hours at work right now and fear working nights/weekends/holidays all that good stuff.
It is a huge change. I have wonderful hours at work right now and fear working nights/weekends/holidays all that good stuff.
Well, I am 51, so you've certainly got time...there are a handful in my class who are around my age....there's no huge hurry for you....
I HATED my job....I was in IT as a systems analyst and just hated every morning as I drove in to work...I hated sitting in a cube; I hated endless meetings; I hated the crap that management made us do that cost the company millions and resulted in 2 layoffs PLUS no raises, bonuses, etc. to speak of for almost 5 years....I hated being told we HAD to work overtime (so it looked good on the books) when there really was no need, and then not getting paid for it because we were "salaried"....and I HATED working M - F from 8 to 5....I worked shiftwork many, many years ago and just don't do well fighting the weekend crowds....
My last child graduated from high school and left for college in August...the timing worked out well for just kind of all came together...I'm broke since I'm not working, but my husband gets us through...I saved some money so can make my car payment and other essentials....
I think you'll know if/when it's right or not...don't force this issue if it doesn't feel "right" won't be good for you or your kids...
I admire astronauts, firefighters and police personnel, and teachers....but that by no means means I could ever be one -- or should for that matter!!
I wish you the best as you make this decision!!
first have to be over on the disboards too! brain's so feeble from studying for a Fluids & Electrolytes/Acid Base test today that I kind of did a "HUH?" when I first saw this....
But yes, I used to spend a LOT of time there....particularly when I had money to take vacations....every once in the while I'll go peek....we're getting money back from taxes and it is SO tempting, but I hate going during the summer months and we have bills that need tackled, maybe as a graduation present after May '08!!
Don't you just LOVE WDW?!?!? :monkeydance:
104 Posts
I've been in your shoes. It's really tough trying to transition to a new career,but I look at it this way. I've always bet on myself educationally and I've never lost money. I'm over 30, too, with one son.
Why? You have to pick something you like and something that will get you the return you need in the next 5-10 years.
I was in IT and I ditched it for many of the same reasons other people did (forced OT, etc.). I know being an RN isn't going to be easy (working nights, etc.) but I'm willing to tough it out if it will mean that my experience in 3-5 years will ensure that I can continue my education as needed and that I will be continuously employed until I retire.
I have a sick kid at home now, so I get to scramble and negotiate with my instructor about tomorrow, the last day of my gero clinical, since I had to leave early today to go get him (fever so he's out for 24 hrs.). It's gonna be fun, but most instructors realize that you have a life and kids will take priority in it. I'll just have to work around it and go. Cross your fingers!
I planned my time ahead of time, liquidated a small investment (old 401K) and saved, saved, saved before I knew I was going to school. I bought most of my books the first semester (not all--just the bare minimum) and they were over $600. For the second semester, I started early, went online and got the rest for about $300.
Planning is the key. If you ask, Maryville will put off your acceptance for a semester for WEC, but check to be sure.
The time factor was the big reason I chose Accelerated. One year and done (or one year + one semester in some schools) was important. Now I'm 48 class days away and it still seems like a long time.
Remember, the race is not to the swift, but to those who keep on running!
13 Posts
I've heard nothing but good things about Maryville. As a matter of fact, I plan to begin the program Fall 2008. I understand where you are coming from. I too work a fulltime day job, married, and 1 kid. It's going to be rough but if it's what you want to do then nothing should stop you. I thought about giving up sooooo many times. I'm taking A&P2 now and it's hard but, hey, it's my dream so I gotta do it.
Can you really picture yourself doing anything else 10 - 20 yrs from now? I ask myself that question everynight.
Keep you head up and best of luck to you. I'm jealous of you, I wish I was able to start this fall.
89 Posts
I think you have to deeply think about it. Is it something you really want to do? Is it in your heart? If it is a passion of yours you need to go for it. Sure, money is important BUT if you wait until you have enough money it will never happen, KWIM? Really search and find if this is what you want to do. If you really want to do it. You can do it. Period. Just search your heart think about life in 10 years and where if nothing else were a factor what you would want to be doing and go from there.
I applied to the Maryville WEC program but am in Florida currently so I was unable to get a spot in WEC since they weighted those with Maryville credits (I have a 3.6 and am almost done with my prereqs...just finishing Micro and AP2...have As in both as of right now). I am on the waiting list and keeping my fingers crossed. The fear of not getting in really freaked me out. However then I reminded myself that this is my calling. That after being a good wife and mother this is what I was put here for and everything will indeed work itself out.
Thinking of you!!
"I applied to the Maryville WEC program but am in Florida currently so I was unable to get a spot in WEC since they weighted those with Maryville credits (I have a 3.6 and am almost done with my prereqs...just finishing Micro and AP2...have As in both as of right now). I am on the waiting list and keeping my fingers crossed. The fear of not getting in really freaked me out. However then I reminded myself that this is my calling. That after being a good wife and mother this is what I was put here for and everything will indeed work itself out. "
I just to ask-you are going to move from Florida to Missouri? Just for school or another reason? It is my dream to move TO Florida from here-I beg my husband daily! I just sent him the weather for today for here and for Orlando Florida (which I do daily)!
Good luck getting into the program!
We love it here. We are moving there b/c we are both from there. I have 3 kids 6,4, & 2 and I hate they are so far away from their grandparents. Both sets of grandparents are there. The weather, the people, our church...they are just all awesome. I absolutely love it here but we just are too far from family. My husband got a transfer and we will be back up there the beginning of the summer. I really want to get into the WEC program as I don't want to put my youngest in daycare and I've worked so hard....fingers crossed! :). If you are interested in moving here I can give you some great information. I am in the Tampa area.
Well thank you all for your input and well wishes regardless of my choice.
I have done a lot of soul searching the past few weeks.
I have decided to try for baby # 2 and realized that at this moment in my life that is what is most important to me.
I do one day dream of being a nurse but I can't kid myself right now.
I'm not ready to go back to school. I thought I was but I'm not.
So I sent in my regrets to Maryville today.
So now someone on the waiting list should get the offer soon.
Whomever takes my place in the class of 50 (or how ever many are accepted) I wish you well.
I wish you all well in any endeavor that comes your way.
If things are meant to be in future then this route will come up again and it will be pursued.
But thanks again for not judging me.
You all have been wonderful!
Good luck