Marymount for ASBN - Fall 2012?


Hi there,

I need some advice and I'm hoping you lovely folks can help me!

A little background: I graduated from UVA in 2011 with a BA (double major in sociology and women's studies) and am still living in Charlottesville. I found out today that I got accepted to Marymount's ABSN program, and I'd like some opinions before I make a decision. I'm trying to decide between Marymount or just getting an associate's at PVCC and taking it from there. My parents live in Northern VA (Leesburg) so while the commute would be a pain, I'd be able to live for free.

As you might've guessed from my first degree, I'm really interested in women's health and would love to go on to a MSN.

Any comments about the program, professors, clinicals, etc. would be much appreciated! :)

Hi! First off, congrats!! I was wondering how you found out. Did you get a letter in the mail or did you speak to someone? I applied as well and am dying to know!!! I have heard good things about Marymount. However, if you are planning on getting a Masters degree, you could save money by getting the AS degree and then try applying to a MSN program. I would have done that but I am older and not sure how much more school I can handle :-) I am sure you will make the right decision. Good Luck!!

Hi there,

I need some advice and I'm hoping you lovely folks can help me!

A little background: I graduated from UVA in 2011 with a BA (double major in sociology and women's studies) and am still living in Charlottesville. I found out today that I got accepted to Marymount's ABSN program, and I'd like some opinions before I make a decision. I'm trying to decide between Marymount or just getting an associate's at PVCC and taking it from there. My parents live in Northern VA (Leesburg) so while the commute would be a pain, I'd be able to live for free.

As you might've guessed from my first degree, I'm really interested in women's health and would love to go on to a MSN.

Any comments about the program, professors, clinicals, etc. would be much appreciated! :)

Hi Pointe,

I heard yesterday via a letter in the mail - I'm sure yours will arrive soon! :)

Hi there,

I need some advice and I'm hoping you lovely folks can help me!

A little background: I graduated from UVA in 2011 with a BA (double major in sociology and women's studies) and am still living in Charlottesville. I found out today that I got accepted to Marymount's ABSN program, and I'd like some opinions before I make a decision. I'm trying to decide between Marymount or just getting an associate's at PVCC and taking it from there. My parents live in Northern VA (Leesburg) so while the commute would be a pain, I'd be able to live for free.

As you might've guessed from my first degree, I'm really interested in women's health and would love to go on to a MSN.

Any comments about the program, professors, clinicals, etc. would be much appreciated! :)

Hi.. I am in my first semester accelerated in Marymount.. I can answer some questions.. It is a good program and we are learning alot.

Hi Meswaa,

I just got accepted to Marymount for the fall 2012 cohort, and I was just wondering if you are living on or off campus? Also, how do you like the professors in your program? Do you feel like you are getting a lot of experience in the specialty that interests you? I am still waiting to hear from a couple schools and just wanted to hear what someone who goes to Marymount thinks about the experience there :)


Thank you so much for reaching out to us! I wanted to ask a few questions in addition to Leestad949's:

1) Do you feel like you're getting a good value for the cost of the program?

2) How intense is the accelerated workload? I'm not afraid to work hard, but at the same time I don't want to feel overwhelmed.

Any input would be awesome! :)

Sorry for the delay... but umm it is expensive that is a fact and to be honest I do think about how its gonna suck to pay it all back, but to be honest I feel like I am in a good learning environment. Everyone is my group (we are split into two groups for the spring cohort) get along well and we all help each other.

As far as the intensity of the program, it is def do able. We do have alot of exams tho and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to study one right after the other. I think if you stay on top of things and also have a planner and know how to manage your time well, you will be okay.

Oh and to answer you, leestad949 I am on campus for the spring and summer but I will be moving off for the 3rd and 4th semesters. I do like my professors and it is only our first semester so we are doing clinicals on a med surg floor for this semester, we are def hands on with that.

Thanks so much for the info! Also, I would be coming from California and I was wondering if any of you knew about the issue of transferring my license back to CA if I decided to move back and work there after the program. Is anyone out there in the program a CA student too and maybe in the same boat?


Congratulations to all who got in! I also got accepted and will consider going to marymount this fall for the ABSN program

I contacted the Financial aid office of marymount today and they said that there are only loan options for the Accelerated BSN (no grants). Also there are no stafford loans available for second degree students.

For anyone who has completed or is going through the ABSN program now at Marymount, how did you finance the education? What interest rate were you able to get on student loans? What is the total cost of education for 16 months? I calculated around $60,000 including living costs.


Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.

Hi Everyone! I am also anxiously awaiting notification about fall 2012 admission. Has anyone received any mail yet? I have a feeling maybe this week!

Nope, I haven't! I am thinking this week too.. we should know by the 20th at the latest... good luck!!

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