March 2014 NCLEX-RN Kaplan Testprep

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi! hm, I don't know how to start this but I already took the NCLEX-RN twice. On my first exam I got 75 questions, and obviously I failed, it is because I didn't study. and my second take, I had 265 questions; I studied content on Saunders and practiced all of my question on Lippincotts but still I didn't pass. Now, I "replenished" my content on saunders (the same book) and I enrolled in Kaplan Testprep Review last February 2014. And here are my scores:

Diagnostic Exam: 61%

Readiness Test: 64.44%

Question Trainer 1: 61%

Question Trainer 2: 73%

Question Trainer 3: 59% :(

Question Trainer 4: 63%

Qbank: overall performance is 60%, I have used up 73% of it. Some topic score 70s%, most of them lower 60s%, some higher 40s to 50s...

I just registered on pearson vue and plans to take on April 14, 2014.

Do you have any advice? I'm not comfortable with my performance now. I think I'm coming to panic attack.

By the way, on my last day of review feb 26, 2014, the reviewer told me that "you should take the exam next month." and few days after it's already MARCH- The NEXT MONTH...


thanks rajitharajesh! Prayers are the best thing during hard times and also good times :)

i saw ur score and it seems like ur doing good on u r qbank... im also taking my nclex this coming 5th of may and im so nervous... a lot of people said dat wen u get 50-60ish in kaplan u have a high chance of passing but idk y do i feel dis way it feels like im not still ready im studying every day as much as i can and im also working d same time... i graduated 3yrs from now and most of d stuffs i learned was all gone so i have to go back from scratch again... i review on KAPLAN on demand and here is my score

DX 42% i took it january

QT1 48% january

QT2 61% mid of january

QT3 49% 1st wk of feb

QT4 49% 2ndd wk of feb

QT5 62% 3rd wk of feb

QT6 64% 2nd wk of march

QT7 havent taken yet

Readiness 65%taken march 24

my qbank score is 53% and i completed 95% as for now which is so low... coz i started answerng it wen i 1st started reviewing so my scores on my 1st few attempts pulled me down... but lately my qbank scores lately are between 50%-64%...

im not really dat confident yet to take d nclex... it feels like ders still so much stuff dat i still need to learn...

idk how will do my review now coz my kaplan will expire tom march 31st and i still hve a month before my nclex idk wat will be my study guide or how will sy=tudy on dat month without kaplan... : o(

hi @rivsemaj_09 ! seems like we have a similar case. if you don't mind, are you a foreign graduate nurse? anyways, regarding with kaplan, i think you can extend your enrollment, just give them a call. Based on your scores in kaplan, I think your doing fine. I have the same feelings as yours, but you know what, we have to claim that we will become an RN, or perhaps WE ARE NOW RNs! :) Let's just pray, for I know the Good Lord has good plans for us.

Let me share these Bible verses to you...

Don't be AFRAID, for I am with YOU.

Don't be DISCOURAGE, for I am your GOD.

I will STRENGTHEN you and HELP you.

I will hold you UP with my VICTORIOUS right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Give your BURDENS to the LORD,

And He will TAKE CARE of YOU.

He will not PERMIT the godly to SLIP and FALL.

Psalms 55:22

hi @rivsemaj_09 ! seems like we have a similar case. if you don't mind, are you a foreign graduate nurse? anyways, regarding with kaplan, i think you can extend your enrollment, just give them a call. Based on your scores in kaplan, I think your doing fine. I have the same feelings as yours, but you know what, we have to claim that we will become an RN, or perhaps WE ARE NOW RNs! :) Let's just pray, for I know the Good Lord has good plans for us.

Let me share these Bible verses to you...

Don't be AFRAID, for I am with YOU.

Don't be DISCOURAGE, for I am your GOD.

I will STRENGTHEN you and HELP you.

I will hold you UP with my VICTORIOUS right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Give your BURDENS to the LORD,

And He will TAKE CARE of YOU.

He will not PERMIT the godly to SLIP and FALL.

Psalms 55:22

Thank you so much for the motivation... When are you taking yours? im taking mine the 5th of May.. yah I still have long to time before the big test and every single day im making sure that im doing something that makes my performance better than yesterday... Yah i was able to call Kaplan and they gave me another 3 months to use their resources they said its like an Advance money Back Guarantee : o)...

Yah im a foreign Student from d Philippines I graduated 3 yrs ago and its so hard on my part because i forgot almost everything... You are RIGHT we just have to be POSITIVE ! and Claim that we are already an RN!!! keep me posted.. : o) God Bless US!!! Rise to the TOP RN'S!!!

I'll have it on the 11th of April... What state are you applying for? We can do this! RN! ^_^

New york how about u? r u a foreign grad too? Yes We can do this!!! : o)

Hi! Im from philippines also and i just signed up for kaplan on demand.i find it useful but the questions are very very hard..i tried to answer the diagnostic test and i got a 69%..then tried to answer the q bank and i got a 53% and 58 and 70%...i find it tough and challenging..i wonder how did you utilize your kaplan review course?read the book first?answer question simultaneously watch the videos etc..i have read a few resources like saunders and tried hurst also..i think my brain is not thinking critically...

yes, from the philippines too... :)

I think Kaplan review is harder than other review may it be a book or a review center. What I did is study first all my contents from Saunder's book, then enrolled to Kaplan. When I'm answering my Qbank, I only answer a specific topic, eg: Managmenent of Care ONLY, then proceed with the other topic if I finished the whole questions regarding a specific topic. and between practicing with Qbank, I also take Qtrainers in between Qbank every week and I just finished QT 7 today. My review professor told us that take QT7 at least 7-10 days before the NCLEX-RN exam.

This is what I did, and I think FOR ME, it is effective...


I had read the saunders book as well as hurst but i felt that nothing retained in my brain!aahhh!!!now iam reading the content book by kaplan..i know the content but i am having a hard time applying it to answer the questions at times...= (

don't be too stressed out, relax...take 150 questions/ day.. and take at least one day break in a week from studying.. :)

GUYS! thank YOu for all the support! indeed God is good! :)

just got the result, and I PASSED! ^_^

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