Manchester community college 2010-2012

U.S.A. New Hampshire


Ok Live, here we go...our new home LOL!!! I'm really glad you went to the info session, i knew you would get more info actually being there. Were there other students that were on the waitlist there? What 1/3rd did jaquie say you fell in? It is good news to know that they make it through most of the waitlist! I really want you guys to get in so we can have a connection with other people...i hate walking in a class and not knowing anyone LOL. So do you have most if your prereqs completed and was manch your first choice?

Well..If nothing else I have a plan for the next year if this year doesn't pan out. Jen, Did you find meeting with them to go over your numbers was helpful? And what was her name again???

I stopped and talked with Charlene because well I was there and figured better to let her have a face to go with my name. Talking with her wasn't so much informative as it was reassuring. At the Feb 1st deadline I didn't have A&P II done yet and that's what got me on the wait list instead of in. If I don't get in this go around I'll retake the NLN as it can't hurt.

Now I wish we just had a way of accurately predicting the future to know if we're in for this fall or if we'll be starting next fall (I'm confident that if it's not this year it'll be next :))

Next deadline date the 16th if you hear anything before then keep us posted.

Good Luck to you all! I graduated this year and am awaiting my boards. Enjoy your summer off. Try not to stress too much. Relax! It is a long, but very worth it, two years.

I have many of my books for sale if anyone is interested. I can not say what is on your book list for this year, but I know it didn't change much between last year and my freshman year. Some of the textbooks have some highlighting in them, but if you don't mind that, I will sell them to you. I do have other NCLEX and Care Plan books that I can sell too. Drop me an email if you are interested in any of them. DPreston890 at

Here are some of the books I have for sale:

Real Nursing Skills- Fundamental; Real Nursing Skill CD's

Real Nursing Skills: Intermediate/Advanced CD's

Carpenito-Moyet, L. (2008). Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis. (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins.

Kelly-Heidenthal, P. (2008). Nursing Leadership and Management. (2nd ed.). Albany, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.

Alfaro, R. (2005). Applying Nursing Process (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins.

Weber, J, (2008). Nurses' Handbook of Health Assessment (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins.

Adams, M.P., Josephson, D.L., & Holland, L.N. (2008). Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiology Approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. w/DVD

Townsend, M.C. (2006). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis. w/ CD **

Kozier, B. et al. (2008). Fundamentals of Nursing. (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. w/DVD**

How's everyone holding up?

Started Micro a few weeks ago and that's keeping me busy. Looking into registering for a class in the Fall and of course waiting for the phone to ring.

hey everyone,

i just stumbled upon this site and found MCC 2010-2012. i was actually on the waiting list and found out i was #2 a few weeks before registration. two days before, charlene called me and said i was in! so good luck to all of those who are on the waiting list, there is still a good chance you'll get's a long summer! i can't wait until september, i start clinicals at the VA september 8th and end october 13th. i was overwelmed thinking about jumping right into clinicals not knowing anything but thanks for reassuring me that the end of my semester will be a little less stressful!

Welcome to the board Samantha!

Congratulations on your acceptance into the program:yeah:. I've met a few of your future classmates and they are all very friendly people. Hopefully I'll be there in Sept with you all, for now I'm still on the waitlist.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Hey guys! Just found out today that I got in!! Keep your fingers crossed Jen! and see everyone in a few weeks!!


Wow thats amazing!! Thursday is the bbq for freshman and seniors to meet, and book raffles...are you coming?? Im so happy for you and the long wait!! Which clinical did you get placed in?

:yeah:YaY Julie!!!! :yeah:

She said I am in Tue/Wed 2-9:30 but didn't tell me where...I'll be at the BBQ Thursday night. Looking forward to all of it :)

Hey Live,

Im not sure what number you are on the waiting list but at the BBQ tonight a girl I met said her friend (who is in the program too) got accepted to Florida State. Thats the school she wanted and is moving there, the thing is she just found and hadnt told the nursing dept yet that she will be dropping out. Her friend said she was going to remind her to call the school to free up the just maybe you will get a call :)!

Danielle you just increased my heart rate. I'm currently #1. I'll be going to the school tomorrow morning to meet with Charlene to find out what I'd need to do in the event that a spot does open up. I'm so excited!

Thanks for the heads up.

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