Our manager has started a new program where we meet as a staff once a month to discuss policies over lunch. I try to make the meetings anytime I can, even coming in on a day off to attend. Where i draw the line is after a night shift. I have only so many hours to sleep before I pick up kids and just cannot hang around the unit until lunchtime to attend. However, she seems to have hinted at us nightshifters coming in to attend the meetings, after our night shift!
Can or do managers start to expect this, or is this unreasonable. I'm sorry, but I need to rest on my off days, need to attend to personal business, and I REALLY need my sleep in beween shifts! How can I be an effective worker if I do not get enough rest and downtown at home when I'm off?
If it gets excessive, is there anywhere we could go to make a complaint, or is this typical of the staff nurse role?