Published Jul 18, 2008
3 Posts
Is there any difference? or is it just where you live, I'm in an LVN program in CA.
8,343 Posts
Regional thing.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
it's just the way our state decided to name practical nurses is all. if you notice, here in california, you guys have your own nursing board that is separate from the rns. and, there is another classification called licensed psychiatric technicians here in california. you can read about them on the state board site. my mother went to lvn school in california and when she moved had no problem endorsing to that state and getting an lpn license. see
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
California and Texas refer to their basic nurses as LVNs (licensed vocational nurses), whereas the remaining 48 states call them LPNs (licensed practical nurses). The LVN is the exact same designation as the LPN.
1,051 Posts
I hear it is the same thing...Different name...
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
And as an update, CA no longer has a Board for Vocational Nursing, it is now a Bureau and is part of the Dept of Consumer Affairs.
No longer out there on its own.
Texas and California are the only ones that use the LVN designation, all others in the US are called LPNs.