Published Jan 18, 2011
143 Posts
Dumb question, but for those already in nursing school, where do you eat lunch? In your car? In the campus cafeteria? With other students in the classroom?
Also, do you bring your lunch from home? What are some easy ideas for what to pack?
55 Posts
yes, yes, and yes. You pretty much eat lunch wherever you happen to be around lunch time. As far as what to bring? Anything you can shove in your pack and doesn't need to be refrigerated or heated up. Many types of processed foods work great, but if you are going for healthy... fruits and a sandwich would probably work the best. I started keeping a protein bar in my back pack just in case I was rushed out the door for the day before expected or if I was running late.
98 Posts
I either eat in the cafeteria or in the lounge or classroom during break w/other students or by myself depending on the day.
Last semester I didn't do so great, I'd skip breakfast - bring a protein bar and I'd be so starving that on the way home, I'd grab a donut and a huge iced coffee. As you can imagine, I gained close to 10 lbs in a semester!
I am planning a lot better this time around!
I bought a thermos (for coffee or soups), tons of gladware in various sizes, and some glass containers if I want to bring leftovers that need microwaved.
I make salads and dressing in advance and store them in individual sized containers. The salads I make just have the veggies on them, then I throw cheese, meats, beans, ect on them before leaving the house. Since I made a simple olive oil balsamic dressing in a batch and separated it out, I just grab a container of that.
Sandwiches are also easy to make. I usually have chicken breast or turkey on a sandwich thin.
For snacks, I chop up an apple, add a splash of lemon juice to keep it from going brown and pack a small container of peanut butter or fruit dip. I do hard boiled eggs that I already have peeled and ready to go. Trail mix, individual fruit cups, cheese cubes w/pretzels, cereal, yogurt with granola are some other snacks that work well.
In the morning I plan to bring a coffee (iced or regular) and fill my camelback water bottle up - that I can refill at school thought the day. For really long days like my 8-6's I plan bring a Naked or Odwalla Juice as well.
I always keep my lunch bag stocked with extra plastic silverware in case I forget. In my backpack, I keep a little bag w/ emergency snacks, 10.00, and those little sugar free drink mixes for water just in case I'm running late.
Sorry that was so long! I've been thinking a lot about it for this semester since I need to lose the weight I put on and then some. I think the big thing is preparation in advance - at least for me..
288 Posts
I bring my lunch. Both the money and calories would add up very quickly if I bought my lunch every day! I go for healthy lunch/snacks. I end up feeling crummy or sleepy if I have a heavy, greasy lunch. I have a small ice pack and found ice "cubes". They're made with plastic, about 1"x2", filled with water (so if one breaks, it won't poison your food), and you keep them in the freezer. They work great to pack around food containers to keep everything nice and cold.
For lunch, I make a salad, sandwhich, or pack leftovers from dinner the night before. We have a microwave in our cafeteria (both at the school of nursing as well as in the hospital). I pack a TON of snacks to munch on all day. I have long lecture days (9a-4p), so I like to munch to keep awake. Snacks that I take include raw veggies, fruit, granola bars, yogurt, and pretzels. I ALWAYS bring a little something sweet for the afternoon, like a small candy bar or cookies, because if I don't, I'll end up going overboard when I get home. I figure I deserve a sweet treat for making it through those long lectures!
Make sure you eat a good sized breakfast, especially on clinical days. With clinicals, you never know when you'll have a chance to grab a bitr to eat, plus some of those smells will get to you real quick if you have an empty stomach!
OB-nurse2013, BSN, RN
1,229 Posts
I bring my lunch and eat with friends in the cafeteria. Our cafeteria food is over priced and not too good so I almost always try to bring mine. I like chinese noodle things, they have fork with them and u just microwave and they are not too bad for you. I also bring soup a lot too. And always water and coffee :)
ashleyisawesome, BSN, RN
804 Posts
i wish i would remember to bring a lunch everyday.. but sadly i dont. the hospital cafeteria has some pretty delicious and healthy food, but it is getting pricey.
83 Posts
Get a crockpot/slowcooker if you don't have one! Chili is a great thing to make- I sautee chopped garlic and onions for a few minutes then put them in the crockpot as well as a can of kidney beans, a can of mini corn, a can of diced tomatoes, 3 chopped carrots and half a chopped zucchini. Toss in chili powder and cumin and salt, put on low for 6-8 hours. Go to sleep, wake up and ta da!
Slowcookers are nice for stews too. Sandwiches are good. Spaghetti, curry, stirfry- all cheap and easy stuff!
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
You get a lunch break! Lucky!
56 Posts
After dumping too much money on the snack machines last semester I have loaded up with snack foods and have packed my lunch everyday. It's nothing exciting since we don't have a microwave to use. I make sandwhiches and throw in a piece of fruit and something salty. I bring extra snacks too because you never know when you'll get a craving!
74 Posts
I pack my lunch most days.
I usually plan on taking leftovers from the night before. Being that I have a family of 5 I normally pack a container for my lunch BEFORE calling everyone to dinner...there is always enough to feed us all but if I wait there sometimes isn't enough for my lunch too.
I also have those little freezer acks. I like the smaller sized square containers because I don't want to lug a HUGE lunchbox.. and our weather really doesn't permit leaving anything in a vehicle too long. I have a small purselike one that my mom got me at Target when I started school. Just big enough for a med/sm sized container, a coke and maybe a granola bar or baggie of crackers/goldfish etc...
the front of the lunch bag has a little pocket that I keep extra silverware, napkins and salt/pepper packets