lpn nclex study guide


Does anyone know the best book for lpn nclex studies?:confused:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the NCLEX forum

Specializes in LTC.

I used mosbys lpn

I used EXAM CRAM 1000 Q&A BOOK


I done abt 1800 questions from both book and took test.

I used Davis's Nclex-PN review guide, it comes with a cd that you can make your own tests based on your weakest areas. I think it helped a lot, I passed my first time. I think it all depends on how you learn and how you study. Do a little research, before I bought if off line I went into a book store and looked at a bunch that they had there and picked the best one for me. ( i bought it off line because its a lot cheaper!) After I got it I studied a few hours everyday, and took tests a lot. Good luck to you and happy studying! :D

Specializes in LTC, Assisted Living.

The book I prefer is the Exam Cram NCLEX-PN book. There are 2 versions of this book, the one mentioned in the earlier post and the one I have that also has chapters covering topics on the test. It is not just questions. It also has a disk that figures out what areas you need to be tested over and a mock boards length test you can do. It's a good book and to the point.

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