Published May 9, 2015
3 Posts
Hi,I live in Florida and looking for an online associated degree in nursing.can someone help me please.
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OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
There will be no completely online program due to the clinicals. There might be a hybrid program with some classes online, but you will still have to do clinicals in person.
1 Article; 369 Posts
Sadly there really is no online ADN. Even if you took anatomy and physiology online it may be rejected due to the lack of an in-person lab class. But you can find an ADN class near you, perhaps at a Community College and visit and speak to a counselor. Try to find exactly what classes you can take online to transfer to the local ADN course of study. Though even there you will not shorten the two years because you must take the entire set of clinical rounds. Though you could lighten your course load so, for instance, instead of taking 12 credits per semester you might be able to get by with 9 credits per semester, thus making your in-person classes a bit easier since you'll have more time to give to them.
Nursing is like Auto Mechanics, or sheet metal working, or plumbing: We can learn concepts online but we must develop hands-on skills.
Consider taking a local LNA course and doing some LNA work. Here in NH you can take a course and the state will pay you back all costs if you take a job after graduating. Then find a place to work that will assist you in taking an ADN or BSN course of study by paying for a portion of it.
Thank you so much guys for your answer,it will be hard for me to work full time and go to school
TiffyRN, BSN, PhD
2,315 Posts
There is Excelsior College out of NY State. There is a forum dedicated to it here on AN because there are many differences between it and other traditional programs. Do not be taken in by companies such as "the College Network" or "Rue". They are nothing but expensive unneeded publishing companies.
Thanks a lot Tiffy cause I was thinking about excelsior,now you give me an idea.
99 Posts
there is also Indiana state university, however it is lpn-BSN. You will have to do clinical rotations in your home state, but they are pretty lenient on transfer credits. Excelsior is the lpn-adn , but you do have to do a hands on portion before you can take the NCLEX. They are EXPENSIVE, so you will want to do all of your pre-req courses elsewhere. I would actually suggest that if you go the excelsior route, do your pre-reqs through straigherline. Excelsior is a partner college and will accept it.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
You cannot do certain courses through Straighterline for EC including developmental psych, A&P, and micro