a LPN essentials for school..any suggestions??


I am starting school in a month to become an LPN. I went to orientation and I recieved a list of where I have to order my uniforms(a lab coat, scrubs, name tag) and I can also order my bandage scissrs,goggles,stethoscope, and watch there. I also recieved my book list. o other than that does anyone else have any reccomendations of what I should buy? A calculator? and I think that the steth may be a little pricey there....but I am not sure what type or how much I should spend on one? Any help on anything would be so helpful.... also if anyone can give me any insight on what I should expect when I am actually in class and if I should prepare in any way for something(catch up on my reading in certain subjects) anything at all will really help! THANKS!!!!!:confused:

Specializes in Stepdown.
I am starting school in a month to become an LPN. I went to orientation and I recieved a list of where I have to order my uniforms(a lab coat, scrubs, name tag) and I can also order my bandage scissrs,goggles,stethoscope, and watch there. I also recieved my book list. o other than that does anyone else have any reccomendations of what I should buy? A calculator? and I think that the steth may be a little pricey there....but I am not sure what type or how much I should spend on one? Any help on anything would be so helpful.... also if anyone can give me any insight on what I should expect when I am actually in class and if I should prepare in any way for something(catch up on my reading in certain subjects) anything at all will really help! THANKS!!!!!:confused:

:pHey there! I wish I could tell you what you need but I can't. We are in the same boat. I figure I will know soon enough beacuse I'm on the count down until school starts (Sept. 2)

If you to go the Student forum and goto LVN/LPN forum you will find different people will let you know what to expect, what you may need and things to look out for. I enjoy reading the threads under the student LVN/LPN forum because these are actual nurse students telling you about there experiences from the first day until graduation and then "THE NCLEX". Trust me it gets you more excited just reading about it.

Check that forum out and I wish you luck with school. :wink2:


Specializes in Home Health/PD.

I just graduated from LPN school this past spring. I would recommend a somewhat cheap steth (like prestige) and get a name tag for it, because it is likely to get stolen if it is very nice and expensive. I would also recommend to buy at least 2 uniforms for clinicals. Calculator is a must! As well as a red pen and black pens. Small notebooks/pads are really good for clinicals. Having your own BP cuff is nice too. I had a combo steth/bp package that I used for CNA and LPN classes and I really liked the way it worked for clinicals.

As for getting ahead in class, i'm not too sure what your background is, so I can not really reccommend anything to read. But i would recommend getting an NCLEX book as soon as possible and reviewing it along with what your class is studying (ie if you are studying cardio, look as some cardio nclex questions)

hope that helps! If I think of more, I will let you know

Specializes in CNA/CMA in LTC.
I just graduated from LPN school this past spring. I would recommend a somewhat cheap steth (like prestige) and get a name tag for it, because it is likely to get stolen if it is very nice and expensive. I would also recommend to buy at least 2 uniforms for clinicals. Calculator is a must! As well as a red pen and black pens. Small notebooks/pads are really good for clinicals. Having your own BP cuff is nice too. I had a combo steth/bp package that I used for CNA and LPN classes and I really liked the way it worked for clinicals.

As for getting ahead in class, i'm not too sure what your background is, so I can not really reccommend anything to read. But i would recommend getting an NCLEX book as soon as possible and reviewing it along with what your class is studying (ie if you are studying cardio, look as some cardio nclex questions)

hope that helps! If I think of more, I will let you know

Oh yeah def. get diffrent color pens...the multi color click pen was my best friend! Yes and the note books, importat! I lost mine almost daily! I agree don't buy a super nice stethoscope, I don't ever use mine but I also bought a decent one, it didnt need to be super pretty! Make sure you have enough tops for clinicals, and if you have a preceptor add that into your purchase. My friend only purchased 1 shirt and did TONS of laundry when she was doing 40 hours a week at preceptor!

Good Luck with school! To me it was the best time of my life! I made my best friends and I miss them (i only graduated in JUNE!)


Specializes in med/surg, snf, some psych.

keep an open mind at all times. be a sponge, absorb every nursing related thing that comes your way, it will help one way or another sooner or later.

I like the "LPN NOTES", a little flip book with useful info about anything and everything. It has growth charts,dos calc formulas, everything you can think of. Its small enough to fit in your pocket at clinicals, which might be a help.

Where do you get the LPN Notes?

Specializes in Home Health/PD.

You can get them at Barnes and Noble, not sure of any other stores.

You can also get them new or used at amazon.com

I am so glad someone started this thread here.

I just came from Barnes & Noble and saw the LPN notes but there were so many things that one could buy. I did purchase Taber's cyclopedia.

I know there is a thread in the other forum on PDAs. I have tried to read through it more than once and get so lost. Do any of ya'll plan on getting a PDA or have one?

You can get them at Barnes and Noble, not sure of any other stores.

books-a-million carries them too! We got them as part of our books from the school.

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