Published Sep 17, 2011
192 Posts
So here I am at a retail store giving flu shots, and I had been there for about 30 mins. A woman comes up to me and says, "Hello?? There is no running water in the bathroom, only hand sanitizer! I can't believe this store! You really should do something about it!" I said to her, "Oh gosh, I'm sorry about that but I don't actually work for this store. I'm a nurse, just here to give flu shots." Her response, "Well you're a nurse you should care even more." (in a completely ******* tone). This little old lady next to me, who I was about to give the flu shot to says, "Hey you! She's a Nurse! She does not work for this store!" She immediately turns to me and says, "I hate people like that!" :redbeathe It made my day!
To add... I had no idea that the bathroom had no running water... I literally had just sat down for the first shot of the day.
47 Posts
Glad the LOL stuck up for you! love that
1,246 Posts
Where did you wash your hands before you started?
LoveMyBugs, BSN, CNA, RN
1,316 Posts
I did flu shots in a large retail chain last year, oh the people watching, it was so entertaining!
Forever Sunshine, ASN, RN
1,261 Posts
lol I use to work in retail. I find that hilarious.
366 Posts
You should have told her that CDC studies confirm the effectiveness of hand sanitizer as long as the hands are not visibly soiled. Then you should have asked her if she had feces smeared on her hands & arms, because then she really would need a good soap & water washing. Then before she could answer, say "Oh, that's okay, let me help you." Then have an employee announce over the PA system - "Customer assistance needed in the pharmacy area for fecal cleanup."
I used hand sanitizer. Although, I did wash up at various points in the day, at the sink in the restaurant for employees only, because I never feel clean enough just using hand sanitizer. I'm a bit ocd.
932 Posts
I really hope that when I get old I will be that kind of LOL. I've been practicing.
36 Posts
I'm doing the flu clinic thing too and it has been more entertaining than I had thought it out to be. Had a customer tell me that he doesn't need flu shots because his doctor told him he has a special ability to fight off the flu after having it once. I told him yes, it's called your immune system, but the flu virus changes and blah blah. I proceeded to tell him everyone has that special ability, and why getting a flu shot would help to NOT get sick, but he was convinced, it was his own special ability, lol. At that point I didn't feel like it was any use trying to convince him otherwise!
Also, I've been getting a lot of customers accidentally offending other customers by this exact scenario....I'm in the process of giving a flu shot to the customer who has medicare...another customer approaches the table and asks how much self-pay would be, I tell the price and the other customer says "Don't you have Medicare???" Other customer has offended look on face and says "I'm not THAT old!!" then awkward silence...I try to make mends by saying anyone of any age may have Medicare for certain reasons but by then it's too late!
1,024 Posts
How did you keep yourself from laughing....