Los Angeles County School of Nursing

U.S.A. California


Any one here graduates of the program? Or are in the program?

oh my god iliana... i know the feeling: my birthday is in november, my wedding anniversary is this month, and december is christmas shopping and planning time, and the fact that we won't here from county til like 2nd week of december is killing me. its consuming me, i keep counting and recounting my points...

i don' t have a plan b either. i put all my eggs in the county basket. i just might jump off a bridge if i don't get it...

but i'm thinking positive. my husband keeps telling me that "i'm in there like swimwear" lol. i'm so glad he's so supportive.

so hopefully we can meet! i'm so so excited.

i need to start saving...

i need money for books, class fees, immunizations, a rad ass stethoscope, and hi-liters. and post its..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the list goes on and on.... i'm so so so so so so excited....

Don't worry Iliana. I'm sure you passed! I had the same problem - blanking on a couple of math problems and second guessing them later. Plan your birthday and celebrate! Take your trip that first week of December or in November if you can. While I know I won't find out about school until December, I'm just trying to enjoy each and every day I don't have homework. lol... We will have plenty of it when we all start!

Muga - I'm in the same boat, er... basket. It's the only place I applied and I've vowed to not count up my points again. How do you think you're sitting? (75-80 or 80+?) If you don't want to say, I totally understand! I'm trying to save cash as well, but we're spending a bit more on our vacation than we'd planned. Silly me for not booking the flights earlier!! Now we're driving from Maine to NY and I need to find a B&B along the way - but they all want 2 night minimums!! Anyway, I'll be looking for a steth soon as well as shoes for clinic and regular school supplies. Yikes! So much to do!!

Hey Blue! Ya i hope your right! i blanked out on afew and i was soo upset cuz i know i couldve figured them out if i had more time to think back on how to do them. in the mean time im gonna try to relax and not stress it! i just finished telling friends that im so stressed and all i do is eat lol so i really need to cut back loll im not taking any classes right now and have im not working either so all day i try to keep busy with anything i can find and now my newest thing is eating loll i watch grey's anatomy re-runs too which probably doesnt help but im running out of options!! And apparently all three of us are in the same basket! My sister actually is an alumni of county so thats also why i didnt apply anywhere else.. its really the only place i want to go.. she's always telling me how great it was so thats why im so excited to start but we'll seeee who knows! Anyways Blue have fun! And Mugalex i was cracking up reading what you wrote! Im in there like swimwear! lol thats what imma keep telling myself! Anyways hopefully well all be able to meet in the future!!

o ya i dont mind saying where im at in this point nightmare lol but im at a low 76 points if i get all 20 exam points.. i wonder where everyone else is sitting?!?!? do you guys know about other people and what the average points are for people who have applied??

-iliana :)

Hey ladies! I'm going crazy waiting! Most of my traveling landed in October, so now I just have to sit & wait. I do more traveling in December and am hoping my letter arrives the day I leave to visit a friend in the midwest. Maybe my school stuff will distract her from asking when I'm getting married! haha...

Anyway, Just thought I'd check in and see how you're all doing - and if you're going as nuts as I am.

Happy Thanksgiving in 2 weeks or less!

so yeah im really stressing too. can you imagine i took my entrance exam on october 3rd and its already november 17th and still no news on anything.. i dont even know how i did on my entrance exam!! its been hectic waiting. i probably will find out if i actually get it before i get my results from the entrance exam!! either way i stress out very morning when the mail comes and never the results! help! county needs to send out the letters asap!

Hi Iliana!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one still stressing. As a heads up, my exam results arrive around 6 weeks after the test, so don't stress too much. I think I found out online when others received theirs and that's when I knew to check the mail. lol... I'm sure you did great!!! Just hang in there!


Thanks blu. I really hope i did well too. that will really be a slap in the face tho.. i didnt pass the entrance exam but had more than sufficient points lol. lord help me not pull my hair out! :smackingf

Don't worry. I'm sure you passed. Just think, in 3-4 weeks we'll know if we got in. I'm hoping I find out in time to announce the news when I visit friends in Texas before the holidays. It would also be nice to celebrate over the holidays with family. Ques, do you have student loans lined up or anything? I'm trying to find a way to support myself during school.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I'm attending an info session on December 4 for this program. Do you know if you actually apply at that time or is it really just for information?

hey blu,

ya i hope i find out before the holidays but who knows! i still havent heard anything! vacation in texas! that sounds fun!! i spent my christmas last year in fortworth texas and it was amazing!! but as for the loans im actually very fortunate enough to still be dependent on my parents so, of course ill be working and will help as much as possible, but other than that they are actually going to be able to pay for it. If it were just up to me i wouldnt be able to do it. But i have friends who also applied to county and they do have student loans lined up. im not sure which ones but i can find out. which loans do you have going for you? -iliana :)

Ili - I haven't even started looking for student loans yet. I'm worried that I won't be able to get federal because I've made decent money this year. Hopefully I can get the money from the loans in time to pay bills in Feb... If you can find out what loans your friends are lining up I would appreciate the info. I need to start applying for loans soon too. Thank you!!

Sugar - your info session will be information only. They'll tell you when the application period is (it's only 2 months long). Or you can check online - do a google search for LADHS SCHOOL OF NURSING. You should be able to find their info site pretty easily. It shows the point system that they go by, application deadlines, etc. Lots of info that you'll receive again at the info session. You can also download the application from that site. Applications for January were due no later than September 1st, so you'll be applying for the fall session. Good luck with your application!


aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! hope you all had a great holiday!!! question... is this considered the first week of december? or next week? either way the time has come!!!! i hope we all made it! i'm so nervous... for the next 2-3 weeks i'm going to be on edge hunting down the mail man! and for 2-3 weeks after that its plan plan plan, review review review, or cry cry cry!!! this is so exhilarating! i hope i get to meet you all!!! good luck everyone!! you guys -really and truthfully- are in my prayers!!!

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