Los Angeles County School of Nursing

U.S.A. California


Any one here graduates of the program? Or are in the program?

I have my 8 hour comps tomorrow--the last exam between me & the NCLEX...so I will endeavour to remember to ask the office what the cut off is...but it might be on Wednesday...good luck potential LAC-SONs! Thinking good thoughts for you all that you are accepted.

& yes, it does say 8 hours...all written...sigh, wish me luck!!

Hi Iliana - Congrats on you pre-entrance results! I knew you were good to go! Maybe it's a good sign that Maria called to ask for your HS transcript. I would take it as a good sign.

Anyone else get theirs yet? My mailbox had only junk last night, so I'm crossing my fingers for tonight (I'll keep saying that until it arrives!).

Landesmummy - if you are able to find out the cut off, that would be AWESOME! I am 99% sure what my points are, so knowing the cutoff would confirm either way. :-) Good luck on your comps!! I'm sure you will do great! Have you started applying for jobs yet? I'm still unclear on how that works between graduation and NCLEX.

OMG ... where to begin . . . Got the acceptance letter last saturday. I live in Glendale, 20 minutes from the school, and if my numbers were right I had 81 points. I hope this helps . . . God Luck to everyone!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Congrats Lalollys - 81! OK, that's great because according to my calculations, I would have about 80 (stupid B in Anatomy). I'm planning on applying in the next cohort once I find out if I got in to any of the programs for Summer.

ok everyone..

so i called.. they said the cut off was 79..

Congrats for those at 79 and above but sadly for me im at a 76.. :crying2::crying2::crying2:

Hi Iliana,

Thank you for the update. So sorry that it's slightly above your points. Don't despair though. Often times they will lower the cut off closer to the start date as others decline the acceptance to attend a different school. It happens every semester and could happen again this year.

Good luck for next semester - keep trying! You will even get a bonus point next semester for having met minimum qualifications this semester. You can also go back and retake one or two classes to bring your grade up. At the info session, they said if you took & passed a lab science, you can take it online without the lab to bring your grade up. So, if you got a B in Anatomy, you could take it online without lab to get an A and they would take your A instead of the B. You can do the same with any of your classes (science, english, etc).

You will get there soon!! You just never know what life will bring you. This also gives you a little more time to work and save some money for school.

Thanks again for calling to get the cutoff number. I think I had 80+ points, so I'll continue to check my mail every day. Nothing so far except junk mail this week. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow before I leave for the weekend. Would love to have it with me to read and celebrate before breaking the news at work next week.

Good luck!!!


Thanks for the encouragment! I really appreciate it! i had no idea that i would be able to retake the classes with out the labs!! i was already looking up anatomy courses during winter so i can apply before the next deadline in march( i got an 89.6% in anatomy which is why i got the B for a grade). That eases some sadness i guess. but thanks again for everything! it was great chatting! GOODLUCK IN JANUARY! =]

Hi Iliana - Lots of hugs here!!! Call the school office and ask which ones are "approved" for you to take. You might even attend another info session and ask the question there (that's where I got the info). The dean and office staff are both very helpful and very nice. I'm sure they'll give you the info if you just ask.

It's too bad your school wouldn't round up on that percentage!! SO SO close!!

Thanks for the good luck. I'm still waiting for my paperwork (nothing is certain until it's in writing), but I'm feeling pretty good about it all.

Hope to see you around in the future!


The cut-off is 79...& they are now accepting smaller class sizes, we are the second last large class...the 3rd semester is about the size of ours almost 100 people & then it drops now down to 50...in the new hospital, there isn't enough room for all of us to do our clinical rotations so therefore, the classes are becoming smaller...they have also opened up a Rancho rotation in Downey, Olive View in Sylmar & Harbour-UCLA in Long Beach...thank you for your kind thoughts about my comps. I hopefully will find out I passed tomorrow...ugh. Be persistent too. I got my letter that said I didn't have enough points...when I did. I kept bugging the office as someone had put down an A grade as a C grade...keeping my fingers crossed for all those still waiting to hear & a huge congrats to those that know!

Woohoo!!! I'm in! I will be doing clinical at Olive View. Hope to see you all in January. :-D

Hey I've read all the previous replies. Just wondering if the cutoff was really at 79 because I had 76 and I got accepted. I got my letter today and I wouldn't worry about getting in because there is probably a lot of people that's using this as a backup school. Good luck and see you all next week for pre-registration.


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