Los Angeles County School of Nursing

U.S.A. California


Any one here graduates of the program? Or are in the program?

iliana, i hadn't done any of the math either. what i remember is alot of fractions, decimals and percentages. Its not that hard, but it is alot... think 6th grade math, just get the principles down, and the rest should be easy. when doing the math, just plug in the answers to see if its correct. but do it only to the ones you aren't sure about, cause it does take time, and it is a timed test. the reading part is a cinch, if you have at least read a book this year you should be fine...

so what are your guy's points so far? judging by the amount of people at the aug 15th exam, the slots are going to go to people with the most points. which makes me nervous... :confused:

and thanks blue!!!! hopefully we can meet!!!

i have another question. has anyone not passed the test?

Ya thanks again blue.. ya im not worried about anything else other than the math section..but ya like i said i have recieved nothing at all.. i guess it was a good thing i called to find out when my test date or else i would have missed it!! another weird thing is that i could swear on everything that erica said my test is at 10 am not 7:30.. is there different test times for everyone?? i definitely have to call tomorrow cuz things dont sound right.. and please dont scare me with high points! i thought i did well on my prereqs but im reading everyone is in there 80's! im at 76 if i pass the exam.. :cry: im a high B student.. but i guess compared to everyone else thats really low.. what about you guys???

Hi Iliana - Call today to confirm the time. All of the posted test dates said 7:30 AM when I checked the site. Oh, I now remember that I didn't get the packet until after I called to find out my test date - but I found out 2 weeks before the date because I called only a week after I sent my application (super early). I was also only worried about math - you'll do fine!!

I haven't heard of anyone not passing yet, but who knows. There are a lot of people testing this time around, but I think they normally get 300-500 applicants each semester. The last 2 semesters they've accepted down to 76 and 74 points. Even with that, they'll go lower at the last minute when some decline the acceptance (yes, it happens)... You just never know. I think I'm ok on points... time will tell.

The street where you park is Sichel, it then turns at the end to be Workman. The office has been very busy so that is why things are taking a bit longer to get out. When I applied, there were over 700 applications, & between the entrance exam & the point system, my class started with 72. Our points were 78. Only 3 have left the class, 6 failed out & I think 6 have split the semesters up. We graduate December 16th this year & yes, we do have a countdown going:)

Good luck. Its a most amazing experience. Yeah for County!!


Thanks for all the info.. so ya i called erica and my test is in fact tomorrow at 12:30...kinda weird since everyone else had theres at 7:30 but that what she said. And apparently i was "one of the students who didnt get a package sent out".. not sure what that means but i was never supposed to recieve the package that you guys recieved.. anyways my exam is tomorrow im really nervous and have alot of studying to do still! Wish me luck so that i can join you guys in January!! :) Thanks again!


If you can find a I believe its called a CAHSEE? book for the exit exam from California high schools is what some of my classmates did for practice. Make sure you sleep well, & pack some food as you do get hungry! The little Mexican place has really good fish tacos for $1.75...yum! The pharmacy on the corner sells coffee for $1.00 & yes, its safe to walk around, just be aware of your surroundings. Oh good luck for tomorrow potential County alumni!! You can do it

ok guys. i'm beyond the point of paranoia, and i'm going to be emotionally and mentally exhausted by december!!!! can anyone verify the possible points on the point system, and the average points for acceptance.

don't want to freak anyone out... i know i'm beating a dead horse.... > lol... :deadhorse

but i need to have realistic expectations... don't get me wrong, i'm all about the "secret" and i am willing my way to get in... (lol crazy right?) :clown:

although i am an optimist, sadly i'm also a realist. :no:

i have so much to think about, i'm overly excited, and i need to find another job, cause it's just me and my husband, we're probably going to be paying cash for everything. :twocents::twocents::twocents: we have horrible credit. and i'm going to sign the county contract for $700 a semester.

:imbar:eek:is anyone else freaking out!?!?!? i need a martini... :jester: :beercuphe *wine

i:redbeathe these smilies!

Hey Mugalex! Take a deep breath. hehe... and go have that martini! You can find the point breakdown on their website... www.ladhs.org... look for Nursing School and then you can click on different links to get info. The absolute max points is 93 (includes 3 bonus points), but the highest I've heard anyone get is 92. The 3 bonus points are: 1-county employee, 1-volunteer or work in health care field, 1-applied previously and met minimum qual but didn't get in. The rest of the points: 20 pts for pre-entrance test, 45 points possible for 3 science classes (anatomy, physiology & microbiology), 10 pts poss for English and then the rest are 3 max points per class for the miscellaneous classes (sociology, psych, history, humanities, etc). From what the dean said at orientation, the last 2-3 semesters the average minimum points were in the 74-78 range.

I'm also planning to sign for the $700/semester contract. I have to take out private loans (if FAFSA doesn't help enough) to cover the income I'm giving up... and will have to get a part time job after the first semester. Very stressful!!! But will be worth it in the end.

Landes - Where is that Mexican place with the tacos? I must have walked right past it!! Any pointers on stuff I should start working on now? ;-) Don't worry, I'm enjoying my last couple months of freedom - just got back from Vegas and am doing a NY and Maine trip soon... Gotta get the travels out of my system before classes start up in January (positive thinking!!!)

Overall it sounds like they are doubling up the pre-entrance tests... and having afternoon exams to get everyone done. I wonder how many applicants?!?!

Anyway - good luck everyone!

In reply to when do letters go out? I took my entrance exam in August & didn't receive my acceptance letter until Dec.14th...& the acceptance cut-off date was Dec 17th...very scary. The office personnel are great but extremely busy. We have some fabulous professors & the most amazing experience working at County-- I love it!! Now if County was only hiring...we all have our fingers crossed that the budget problems will be solved in time for us to work for them...Good luck peoples, & keep breathing. The Mexican place is on Mission, in between the Jack in the Box & the Pharmacy, next to the $4 parking lot. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the scoop on the tacos. So looking forward to snacking on them orientation week. :-) I'm SO excited of the possibility of starting in January!!

I can only imagine how busy the office staff is this time of year. If you figure approx 700 applicants, they are probably taking calls from everyone, plus interest calls for future semesters, sorting through transcripts/entrance exams/applications, and trying to keep up with the regular day to day stuff the school itself needs!! I've done everything possible to not call them multiple times - and only just enough calls to make sure they received all of my transcripts. Yikes!

Thankfully the next 2 months are crazy busy for me with weddings, travels, and other family obligations. Hopefully these will keep me distracted while waiting for acceptance letters to be mailed.

Oh my GooDNESS.. hii everyone!! so i took my entrance exam and i truely feel it was very easy..but i KNOW i was prepared enough :sniff:...hopefully i passed all areas but not sure at all... all the stuff that was covered on the math part (the only part that worried me) i completely understood at one point in time but forgot how to do it because my math skills werent practiced as much as they should have been so i blanked out on a few which really got me upset :banghead:. Im not sure how i did.. but am worried... I KNOW i did well on 3 of the 4 areas.. the math part would be the section that kills me.. i cant believe all of you guys applied and got everything done before the due date!! i can barely wait to get my results and its been a few days and you guys have done weeks of waiting!! but its okay cuz after the test and for the weekend..

this was me: *wine lol

On a lighter note, blue you must be having a BLAST traveling.. im sure that will DEFINITELY take your mind off of the pain of waiting. :anbd: My birthday is coming up in two months and my bf wanted to start planning a great trip and i told him i couldnt even try to plan anything right now cuz im stressed from having to wait but i also told him that if i didnt get in i wont even want to celebrate! thats how stressed i am about this!! i think the main cause of my stress is due to the fact that i dont have a plan B sooo i guess i should start to make one... any recommendations? i have all the classes that county requires..

in the mean time my best recommendation to you Mugalex is take your martini and go :tbsk:!! i know thats what im gonna do!

- Iliana ;)

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