Looking for academic article about physical function decrease among cancer patients

Nursing Students General Students


Hello friends,

I'm writing a paperwork about a few aspects of cancer while studying with a real patient. I want to write about the connection between physical function descent among cancer patients.

I've looked so hard to find an article through my university and google scholars but have failed time and time again.

Do any of you know or used this kind of article?

It would help me so much.



Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

Try re-wording your search criteria

Specializes in critical care.

Use the word 'deconditioning'. Might give you more search results. I'm not sure if they'll be exactly what you want, but you might have some luck.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Search terms are key. You might also look at oncology journal websites for relevant articles.

Use the word 'deconditioning'. Might give you more search results. I'm not sure if they'll be exactly what you want, but you might have some luck.

Improve your search skills. Use strings like,

(oncology OR cancer) AND (deconditioning OR endurance OR strength)

When you do this it's important to use the parens and caps properly! Ask your school librarian for more tips on how to construct more useful searches.

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.

Try pubmed or cinahl. Ask your librarian for help understanding how to search the databases

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