Longer commute for less pay. Worth it?


This is my first post so please forgive me if this isn't the right forum. I'm trying to make a decision about my job and hope someone out there might have been or is in a similar situation. I have worked for a great OBGYN for the past 2 years. The hours are great and the pay is good. The issue I have is that my Dr. has had to move his practice to another city about 1.5 hours away. I was given the opportunity to continue working with him, but his new company is offering me $2.00 less than my current salary. I realize it's not that much, but factoring in the commute and time away from my family is part of why I'm hesitating. The other side of the coin is that if I stay with the company I'm currently with, they will also have to cut my pay $2.00 because the only position they have similar to what I'm doing now is in a different job code. I really love my job, but I don't want to end up resenting my choice if the drive and pay cut burn me out. I have weighed the pros and cons, and I know I'm the only one who can make this choice, but has anyone else been faced with a similar issue and how did it turn out?

If you are taking the same pay cut I would stay at current company and avoid the commute. My time is valuable and if it means an extra 3 hours on the road I wouldn't do it. That's also extra gas and wear and tear on your vehicle. If youre unhappy in offered position, then you could start looking for something else.

Specializes in MICU - CCRN, IR, Vascular Surgery.

The extra wear and tear and gas for that long of a commute for less money doesn't seem worth it. I got a raise when I took a job that's a 100 mile a day round trip and the commute still kills me.

Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Don't do it!!!

Specializes in ICU.

I just recently gave up my PRN job that was an hour long commute and paid me less than my full time job. The resentment of having to drive that far for less money really builds up over time.

Specializes in GENERAL.
Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Don't do it!!!

This is the double whammy.

The Doctor, who by the way loves you, is cutting your pay by $2.00. His Corporatoiin (PA) is changing your "job" code neccesitating an additional $2.00 cut in pay. (slick)

Also moving to bohunk forcing you to commute 3 hours per day.

This is the practice's way of not so subtlely telling you they don't love you anymore and want a divorce.

If you stay on this job without lining up another one, the next thing you're going to hear is the old chicken-out standby "you're not a good fit."

So move on down, move on down the road...

Believe me on this one: that 4 bucks he's stiffing you on is going to ex-wife # 3.

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