Lonestar nursing applicants for spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi guys! I will be applying for lonestar cyfair and a few others in the spring of 2016. I was wondering if anyone had started studying for the hesi and also what grades have they gotten so far in their classes!

Ok just got done with the HESI today with a composite score of 93. That puts my application score at a 7.69. Hoping that's high enough for Kingwood. Anyone else have their final scores yet?

that's a really good score! According to all the other threads with past applicants if you have a score of 7 & up you got accepted somewhere. my score is 6.8 I plan to take the HESI again to get my score to 7 or higher. I think I will be a good number of applicants bc only kingwood & CyFair have jan 2016 programs. vs the fall which had more locations fingers crossed!

Mine is 6.28 right now, I have a B in English from years ago and b in AP PLUS an 82 on my Hesi (contractions and tests don't mix). When I retake my English It will put me at 6.8 and then if I retake HESI it's only up from there (or lower if it's a bad day lol). Goal is to get it above 7 for acceptance for Cyfair.

Thank You! I was stressing over it but using the study guide they recommend really helped out. I went through each section even the basic addition and subtraction. Worked all the sample problems and then took the tests in the back. you will do great the second time around, especially since you know what to expect :) Let us know how it goes!

Hey guys!

I am planning to apply for the Kingwood program for Spring 2017. I still need to take my sciences, and I may retake my English also. I'm nervous about the A&P section of the HESI, but I will have both A&P 1 and 2 taken before I take the HESI so hopefully that will help!

Good Luck everyone and have fun!

my hesi score was a 87 ...you blew it outta the water with that score! anyhow as of now I have a 7.1 and Im just not sure how to feel especially after seeing your score! do u guys think I should reatake my english in summer 2 for an A? That would give me a 7.5!

I am currently taking english online and have an A! If you retake it choose Maslane, i went to his office hours at the beginning of the summer and told him i was retaking this class for nursing and he has been very nice! I made a 100 on my last essay:)

thank you for the input!!

how do my scores sound to u??

I think they are fine! I think i mentioned earlier that in the last selection of lonestar applicants the lowest score i saw in the forum was a 6.29. You have at least a 7 which is pretty high! In my opinion you should retake english just to be safe!

thank you...yes i think i am going to just to be sure ...lets keep in touch on here . aren't you surprised that there aren't more people on this ...maybe its just too early..Im wondering about it though!

I think more people will be on when the application opens and everyone is done taking classes and tests. I accepted your friend request as well!:)

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