Published Jan 31, 2009
tfleuter, BSN, RN
589 Posts
I'm sure we all have things that play a major role in staying motivated during school so that we can someday get into a job that we love. For me, mainly my kids and my husband are what make me study just a little bit longer, or pay attention just a bit better in class to make sure I get the grades I need to continue on with school. But I also have one little thing every morning that makes me smile and excited for the coming school day. Each morning on my way to dropping off my two young boys at their daycare, I pass this hospital and it just what I need to convince me that waking up at 5:30am was definately worth it! I don't know exactly why I have this reaction, there's nothing particularly special about this hospital (though it is newer and has very nice landscaping, not crowded by other building ect.) but every morning I tell myself "someday" when I pass it. I know, super corny, but I'm so excited with my new career path and I just can't wait to start!
Anyone else have something like this?
32 Posts
I too am motivated by my husband and children, my sons are so proud of their mom and they always ask about my grades and how my day was at school. I feel like, even though it is hard, I am showing them that what I am doing is worth it. I hope that as they get older they will remember how hard mom worked to better herself and to make a better life for them, I hope it motivates them to be the best they can be.
I am very excited about having a job as an RN one day and I think a lot about which hospital I might like to work at, what my specialty might be and so on. I can't wait!
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
Just remembering the words of one of my teachers with her saying "You will never go anywhere in life". When it comes time to graduate I'm sending her a grad announcement with a big eff you across it. Don't tell me I cant ever do something, I just might prove you wrong.
454 Posts
My husband, mom and gramma motivate me. To see them happy as they watch me progress makes it all worthwhile. Luckily, this 8 weeks is my OB rotation and I am just utterly facinated and intensely interested in the material and really looking foward to my clinical experiences. So that helps a lot!
254 Posts
My hubby-to-be and my mom both tell me that they are so proud of me every chance that they get. It keeps me motivated to keep making them proud!
chuckz, BSN, RN
165 Posts
The time I spend away from my little boy studying makes me not want to waste one second of it. I am doing EVRYTHING to give him a better life.
157 Posts
One of the major motivators for me is the thought of an actual paycheck (hopefully) at the end of school, doing a job that challenges me mentally and physically, and actually having a degree that has some promise to it. (I am a degreed teacher but jobs are non existent in our area). I also want to be respected instead of being a substitute teacher. (How many substitute teacher jokes and stories have you heard in your lifetime?) Good luck!!
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
What kept me motivated to go to school and get to the end were my husband and my two daughters, they were my biggest cheerleaders. When I would get aggravated or just didn't want to study, do a project ect, my girls would rally around me and encourage me and tell me how proud they were that their mother was back in school and still able to run the house, be there for them for everything, and do well grade wise. My husband, every day, would come up behind me as I was studying and rub my shoulders and tell me how proud of me he was.
After they sacrificed so much in order for me to go through school, I would feel a bit selfish about wanting to throw in the towel. I would pick myself back up and say to aren't the only one who's sacrificed. If you quit now, they sacrificed all they did for nothing!
My going back to school also helped elevate my olde daughters sliding grades (honor roll student just getting lazy). I would "taunt" her and say "I got a 93 on my test and work a full time job, have a husband and children, run a household AND go to school full time. You should be able to get at least a B since you just have school to concentrate on" Ohh that would get her and she'd hit the books just to beat my grade..she'd come come with a test stick it on my keyboard and say "yeah you got a 93 but I got a 97!"
At graduation my husband and daughters huge smiles and big hugs made it all well worth it.
**Now both daughters and the hubby are pushing me to go back again, this time to get my RN degree.**
Nepenthe Sea
585 Posts
For the OP... before I got into nursing school, I would pass the hospital where my girls were born and spent 5 weeks in NICU, and would think "I'll be back there someday", kind of like you. My girls' birth was the whole reason I am going into nursing, and I want to work in the same NICU where they were born. I still pass it, but these days, I'm on my way to my nursing classes (which are close by), and now I think "I'm on my way!"
I keep pictures of my girls, because I'm not just doing this because of them, but FOR them, also, so I can support them and myself. I keep the chain and "dog tag" we were given at nursing boot camp at the beginning of this semester. I keep the little index cards our instructors gave us with affirmations written on them, because I know I will be running into tough times, and I will need all the motivation and positive thoughts I can get then.
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
What motivates me everyday is the fact that I'll have a decent pay and won't have to live pay check to paycheck. Going to clinicals also motivates me because, I can't wait to make a big difference and touch the lives of those wonderful and not so wonderful patients !
446 Posts
Along with most others my family keeps me motivated but the biggest motivation is my 5 yr old seeing how important an education is. When I pull out a book, so does she. She is already saying how she wants to go to college someday like mommy.
27 Posts
my wonderful fiance motivates me!