Published Jan 3, 2008
36 Posts
Hello, that is me again with the new question, is there a list of meds for nclex that is available, because I just don't know where to start.
labrador4122, RN
1,921 Posts
take a look at the HESI book, and each section has meds for each particular disease,
also look at kaplan video content on the pharm section.
those are good places to start
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
I wouldn't try to learn a list. If it were me, I would look at a pharmacology text and learn each class of drugs. The drugs in a class often share common name endings (-lol, -pril, etc), indications, contraindications, side effects and nursing considerations.
60 Posts
Don't bother trying to learn individual drugs-- there are too many. Instead, try learning the different classes of drugs. If you learn what the SSRI's do, how they do it and what the side effects are, then you have 5-10 drugs nailed right there. Also learn the suffixes for each class(-olol, -pril, etc) Hope this helps and good luck.
175 Posts
take a look at the HESI book, and each section has meds for each particular disease,also look at kaplan video content on the pharm section.those are good places to start
I also recommend the HESI book and pay particular attention to High Alert Medications!
thanks everybody for your suggestions
429 Posts
I agree the HESI book is a good way to study medications