Published Dec 5, 2008
Ms. Nurse Assistant, LPN
452 Posts
Why aren't there hardly any LPN programs in Detroit or in any part of Michigan? There is one at Everest but it's costly. The Detroit Health Care Career Center has an LPN school but they are no guarantee, they are not organized play games and they discourage the students who come in there by telling them that they don't have a shot in getting into the program. The Detroit Healthcare career center thread has come to a halt, I've emailed a few people who said they are in the program or have graduated and they have not gotten back to me.
it seems that the opportunity here is very limited. I am considering moving somewhere else to pursue a career in nursing
267 Posts
OCC has a LPN program and I know schoolcraft is switching to a ladder program so students can stop after completing the LPN portion or can continue on to complete the RN portion of the program. Baker's Auburn Hills campus offers an LPN program......
It seems to me that there are quite a few LPN programs in the area. Probably the fewer number of LPN programs vs RN programs is because there is a far lower demand for LPNs vs RNs. Most hospitals don't use LPNs, and they are mainly employed in long term care settings. If that's what you want to do then that's a good option, but if you became an RN you would be able to be employed in a greater variety of settings.
There are an absurd amount of RN programs in southeastern Michigan compared to most parts of the country; it just requires determination and hard work to earn a spot in these programs. Within an hour drive from Detroit there are several programs: WCCCD, HFCC, Schoolcraft, MCC, OCC, UD mercy, wayne state, u of m, oakland u, sc4, washtenaw cc, mott cc, u of m flint, baker (and I probably forgot at least one) That's at least 14 programs within an hour drive!!!!
Many people in the general student sections on this board drive more than an hour each way to attend nursing programs. I think there are plenty of opportunities in this state to pursue nursing-- you just have to put in the time and dedication to do well in your prerequisites to earn a slot. It's going to take time and determination to get into a program anywhere else you move too. There is no quick and easy way to get into nursing school. Just my
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
GRCC and KVCC have LPN programs. They're on the west side of the state though.
442 Posts
Baker Auburn Hills has an LPN program.
102 Posts
All LPN programs are costly. Why I don't know. I going to attend Brown Mackie College in Findlay OH, becuase they don't have a waitlist and there not looking at GPA for admissions. It will take me 12 months to complete, because I have AP, PSY and CIS done. If you don't have them done then it is 15 months. In October 09 they are also starting an LPN to RN program for their students only and it will take 6 months to complete. Cost I don't care at this point, because I will have a ton of student loans by the end anyways. Staying here in Michigan retaking classes or transferring to different schools. Good Luck with whatever you choose, but Everest program doesn't seem bad at all and they do admissions in January, May and September. I just didn't want to take more test. If you have previous college classes they consider that for there admission points. I went to an information meeting.
486 Posts
If you're willing to make the trip to Findlay, I'd highly recommend that you make a stop at Owens CC in Toledo to check it out. I just graduated from the LPN program, and am starting the RN in January. I looked into Brown Mackie (and just about every other LPN program) before I went to Owens. They all seemed to be very business-oriented (major tuition $$$ and no class transfers to colleges). Owens has been amazing, as I feel prepared to hit the floor and at only about $5K for the 12 month program, I'm not with a huge debt. I got in the semester after I applied, too. The Brown Mackie people still call me and leave messages on my phone, although I've contacted them letting me know I'm not interested. That kind of bothers me. Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience if it helps.
62 Posts
Hi SillyRabbit, I just called Brown Mackie and I have an appointment with Sandy on Friday. So you already enrolled and all that good stuff? She told me that I could start in January. I almost cried when she said that, after all I've been through trying to start a nursing program! I also have all my A and P's and everything done, so hopefully I can do it in 12 months as well. I'm a little worried about the drive. Did you find out what days you have class, hours, and stuff? Sorry for all the questions, I'm pretty excited. Any info you have would be great! Thanks,
Do you have to take pre reqs at Owen?
I am looking for an LPN program, right now I do not have the time to take pre reqs just to get accept4ed into any of the community colleges here. My parents are offering support but only for so long. If I have to move out on my own, pursuing a career in nursing is highly unlikely. Paying rent, working and then trying to study and completely a strenous program is not possible.
I am really upset with the Detroit HealthCare Career center right now, they set me back. I wish I would have stayed ath the community college I was at instead of wasting my life there thinking it was going to benefit me
Hi SillyRabbit, I just called Brown Mackie and I have an appointment with Sandy on Friday. So you already enrolled and all that good stuff? She told me that I could start in January. I almost cried when she said that, after all I've been through trying to start a nursing program! I also have all my A and P's and everything done, so hopefully I can do it in 12 months as well. I'm a little worried about the drive. Did you find out what days you have class, hours, and stuff? Sorry for all the questions, I'm pretty excited. Any info you have would be great! Thanks,Melissa
Hi Melissa, I drive is about 1 hour 45minutes. It's worth it to be in an Nursing program. They don't even care what grades you have in A& P all they need to know is if you passed it. Have your transcript sent from your school. If you have taken psychology and a computer class that will help also. A& P, Psy and a computer class is what takes months off. The program is actually 15 months, but if those classes are done then take four months off. I printed an unofficial transcript to take with me just for their records until they receive my official. Classes will be 4 days a week until clinicals then it will be 5 days a week. Only for about 3 months, after that class will be 2 days a week with one or two days of clinicals. All the classes are 1 month, because it is acclerated. I have to go back tomorrow for my financial aid appointment and to take my transitional studies test. Don't worry about the test it is only a basic math and english test. What ever part you don't pass they just make you take the class for 1 month and then you'll go right into your nursing. If you pass then you go right into Intro to Nursing (PN 1000). Orientation is on December 30th. I will find out class times for sure on that day. You will get in. Classes start on January 5th. Hope this helps and I will see you at Orienation on the 30th. On Friday they will interview you and give you a tour of the school (very nice) and you will sign your paper work, make you appointment for your Financial aid appointment and testing. Yea!
Do any of these schools have on campus living?
Thanks SillyRabbit! Did they tell you what clinical sites they use, are there any in Michigan? I'm excited. Where do you live? Maybe we could carpool sometimes... See you at orientation!
Some clinical sites are closer to Michigan. She said some may be within a hundred mile radius of the school. Basically clinicals are still in Ohio, but you don't have to go to class afterwards. They even have carpools set up so if you need to get to clinicals you can meet in the lobby of the school. I live in Michigan also. I feel your excitement too. I hope I am able too sleep tonight, because after tomorrow I am just waiting for orienation on the 30th. Yah! Then off to class I go. You will love the school. They have suround sound set up in every class so the people in the back can here with projectors. So professional, so clean. There are four labs two on the first floor, two on the second. They are set up just like a hospital. I can't wait. Even though I am tired of school this will get me closer to my goal. I will let you see for yourself Let me know how it goes Friday! Good Luck!