Published Feb 9, 2011
73 Posts
I am looking for advice for anyone that may have been or is in my position. I am a licensed RN in Nevada. I want to work in California but can't since I am an Excelsior Graduate. Does anyone know of a program that will accept my degree for partial credit? I serious do not want to repeat nursing school. I would gladly challenge course work or even do a full clinical if needed. So far the local colleges won't touch me because I am a licensed RN. I am so frustrated and don't know where to turn. The CA BRN is useless!
38,333 Posts
I would look for work in a federal facility where your Nevada license is good enough.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
this is a horrible situation and an excelsior grads worst nightmare.....i feel for you and i wouldn't give the state of california the benefit of your nursing services.
hi, i am looking for advice for anyone that may have been or is in my position. i am a licensed rn in nevada. i want to work in california but can't since i am an excelsior graduate. does anyone know of a program that will accept my degree for partial credit? i serious do not want to repeat nursing school. i would gladly challenge course work or even do a full clinical if needed. so far the local colleges won't touch me because i am a licensed rn. i am so frustrated and don't know where to turn. the ca brn is useless!
i am looking for advice for anyone that may have been or is in my position. i am a licensed rn in nevada. i want to work in california but can't since i am an excelsior graduate. does anyone know of a program that will accept my degree for partial credit? i serious do not want to repeat nursing school. i would gladly challenge course work or even do a full clinical if needed. so far the local colleges won't touch me because i am a licensed rn. i am so frustrated and don't know where to turn. the ca brn is useless!
34 Posts
Hey everyone -- I am curious what the deal is with Excelsior and CA? Why can't rshenry work in CA?
CA BRN does not recognize Excelsior College ADN's for licensure due to a disput regarding the clinical. Excelsior requires that all ADN students be LVN's, RT's or Paramedics with a strong clinical background to enter the program. To graduate from Excelsior, you must pass and extremely rigourus clinical exam weekend (CPNE) The pass rate is only 58-62%! CA and Maryland will not accept Excelsior grads. Georgia and Washington states require Excelsior Grads to do a clinical after graduation in order to sit for the boards. In my case I am licensed in Nevada state with nursing experience, but can't ever work in California unless it is in a Federal facility. Which there are no jobs currently due to the recession. So I am considering repeating a 2 year ADN program in California. I will be done with my BSN before I get into any program because the wait times here are 2+ years!
Thanks for the insight. That really sucks! I'm in CA and the nursing programs here are just as saturated as they probably are there. The state-sponsored schools are only accepting in-state applicants. and many have stopped even keeping waitlists because they're just too long. What if you did a BSN program in CA for ADN's at a private CA school, like Mount St. Mary's in LA, would you be able to sit for the CA exam then? There must be alternatives out there. Best of luck to you!
805 Posts
You need to call and talk to someone at the CA BON to find out if you have any options BEFORE you spend any money on going back to school.
I do not think (and this is only think, only the BON knows) that going though another ASN or getting your ASN-BSN will change anything, because you will still have the same nursing license. You can not re-sit the nclex-RN.
LadyinScrubs, ASN, RN
788 Posts
I believe that you can work in Calif with EC degree if you are an RN. However, the Calif Board will evaluate application with your experience, years working as an RN pn a case by case basis. However, before you go through all that trouble, make sure that there are jobs out here.
RN Zeke
415 Posts
Try on line BSN, Call Ca BON first to see if this would change anything.
it wont ca wont grant her a license because her basic nursing program is from ec
try on line bsn, call ca bon first to see if this would change anything.
bottom line is the op wont get around the ca bon on this issue...they say they evaluate ec grads but they wont...this is a ongoing issue and has been for cant even get straight answers on the phone from the advise stay in nevada....
57 Posts
If you need to repeat ADN program when you already have a license, why can't you just NOT apply and take the NCLEX together with the class? And then later have your original license endorsed to California BRN. If they ask for your transcript then give the transcript from the repeated ADN program. Can't you do that?
I didn't know individuals cannot repeat RN program when they are already licensed. Is there a rule for this? Or maybe I misunderstood something.