less than a week, pray for me

Nursing Students NCLEX


hello, im less than a week away from passing boards RN:nurse:, ive been studying so hard and hope and pray that it pays off:lol2::yeah:. anyone have any last minutes suggestions, things i need to check off on? im open to it all.


i think, you were the one who sent me a private message as king for suggestions on what to study for the last days :)

i ddnt want to give any advice if i wasnt sure i passed (bcoz it might not work), and i did! so ill share it to you :))

DEFINITELY, read the RANDOM THROWING FACTS section of this forum.

that's what i read, 2 days before my exam. and it really really really helped!

make sure u know how your ECG's look like, and what to meds to give.

memorize the LABS no matter what.

know the formulas.

know how rashes of certain disease look like..

prioritization and infection control! those are the major ones!

i know somebody posted a MNEMONIC for infection control before, that's what i used. easy to remember :) thanks to him/her!!!

or you can find it at RANDOM FACTS above .... i printed like 30 pages of it. brought it anywhere with me 2 dyas before my exam, and it helped me BIG TIME!

good luck to you!

thanks to the both of you, congrats reinAya for all the advice i have been on everything you mentioned except for the rashes, so that makes me feel so good, thanks and congrats again

Good Luck!!! almost in the same boat as you I will be taking boards soon. You are in my prayers and keep us updated:-)

reinAya I have been reading Random Fact throwing during the past two weeks and a lot of the material is definitely sticking in lol. Thanks for advice good luck to everyone taking boards!

thanks for the prayers and i will keep u updated, and i will pray for us as well

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