Left in the Dark

Specialties School


Specializes in School Nursing; Nursing Education.

With all that is going on regarding the reopening of schools amidst a global pandemic, I have spent hours reading guidelines and research in preparation to keep me, our students, and our staff as safe and up-to-date as I can. However, much to my disappointment, I have not been asked once by campus administrators to have any input in the health matters of our school. We are having a staff meeting this afternoon over health and safety during reopening and I was not involved with gathering the information to be presented or asked once for my input or consulted whatsoever. It's worth noting this is after explicitly asking to involve me in the planning of day-to-day operations as almost every scenario ends up with the student coming to my office or being assessed by me. I know my principal and her motto is if you're not a teacher you don't exist. That isn't something that bothers me most days, but when the topic at hand is HEALTH and I am deeply involved in the results of the plan, I would think I would be made aware. So, this brings me to you guys - Anyone else experiencing this? If so, how do you handle it? Am I overreacting? Thoughts??

Specializes in School Nursing, Pediatrics.

First off, that is horrible! I'm sorry! 

Is it like that at all schools in your district? Do you have a nurse leader? It sounds like your principal is not approachable, is there someone else yo can go to? You must be involved in this! you are the medical person in the building!!

Specializes in School Nurse.

I am so sorry this is happening. It is the same in my district. Even though we have a nurse lead, we have not been made a part of the decisions at all. 

Keep advocating for your voice to be heard. That is what we are trying to do. 

Same here.  At another point in my life, I would have been banging on the principal's door with binders, and research studies, and powerpoint slides, and algorithms in hand. 

But, well...in my case it's clear the admins are going to do what they're going to do. They're not particularly well-informed on COVID, but they also have no observable interest in my input (and I was an epidemiology nurse previously!).  They are friendly and respectful but I just get the smile-and-nod "we'll get back to you" routine.

Consulting a nurse is just not part of running a school in their worldview, I think - it doesn't seem personal, so I'm not taking it that way.

I don't think you're overreacting, and you're more than justified to charge in there and make suggestions.  Me, I am just tired of banging my head against so many walls.   I will just try to deal with all the unnecessary, forseeable, preventable problems that will arise soon, with minimum eye-rolling. 

Specializes in School Nursing.

This is exactly what is happening in our district! I am the lead nurse, and I was not contacted for input on PPE, day-to-day, screening, attestations, etc. Everything you would expect that they would WANT a health professionals opinion on! 

I just keep making my own plans, forwarding them to admin, pushing for the health team to be included! If they don't listen to us or ask our input... they will soon realize that their plans/policies/procedures aren't sufficient. In which, I'll be ready to take over. ?

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

I was part of the "reopening committee" but very little of what I raised as concerns was addressed.  These concerns are proving to be very valid and I feel like we're addressing them on the fly on a daily basis.  

Specializes in Peds.

Awful!  I was lucky enough to be in on all planning for the return of students and staff.  I am a squeaky wheel though.  I think if they didn't ask me I would have joined in the conversations anyway.

Specializes in oncology.

I watched a school board meeting on Zoom and was dismayed there was no input from the nurse on whether to go to all remote or partial F2F. The subject was being debated by the school board members who did not have any idea of how to approach a safety and health protection issue. There was no input from the nurse or public health.  One member kept insisting that what applies to adults attending school is also applicable to students from 5 y.o. - 12 y.o. As we know, children are not just small adults. She was the local director of a boys and girls club and I felt she wanted to make sure her funding would continue for the students who  previously attended her after school program.  My 2 cents.

On 9/19/2020 at 4:22 PM, londonflo said:

I watched a school board meeting on Zoom and was dismayed there was no input from the nurse on whether to go to all remote or partial F2F. The subject was being debated by the school board members who did not have any idea of how to approach a safety and health protection issue. There was no input from the nurse or public health.  One member kept insisting that what applies to adults attending school is also applicable to students from 5 y.o. - 12 y.o. As we know, children are not just small adults. She was the local director of a boys and girls club and I felt she wanted to make sure her funding would continue for the students who  previously attended her after school program.  My 2 cents.

And of course....THEIR meeting, involving the decisionmakers, was done on Zoom.  No way THEY'RE going to sit in a classroom for an hour with 20 other people ?

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