Lee College ADN Program 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Has anyone applied to Lee College's ADN Program for the Spring 2015?

I seriously cant believe this. I guess all I can do is pray now.:(

They are taking "unorganization" to another level. All I want to know is a simple yes or no so I can move on with my life.

I completely understand how you feel. We all have already waited enough! I have faith that they will come through for you and any other applicants.

I just called them and they said to call back on next wednesday i guess they will have an answer by then.

Fingers crossed that they do and even better if they can sooner! :)

Thankyou for your kind words:))

Its a new week...good luck on getting acceptance into the program!! :)

All i have been doing for the past few weeks are praying. I hope they will have the spring admission:) I just got my blue card im going there this thursday!

I have a feeling they will make a decision this week! Did you ask when they are gonna have a committe meeting?

Good deal on getting your blue card!! No I haven't heard anything else. I was only inquiring for you and others who are still in pursuit, I accepted at Alvin already so there is one possible opening for somebody! ;)

Aww good for you:)) I am really happy for you!!!

Thanks a bunch! Just to inquire, I called Lee today and was told they are still in the deliberation stage on whether or not they will have Spring admissions.

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