Lee College ADN Program 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Has anyone applied to Lee College's ADN Program for the Spring 2015?

Yeah I was told the decision will come via email & phone call

OK so I went ahead and called and the lady who answered said possibly by the end of the week. She said the person who was working on it (probably Mrs. Bea) is out today but will be back tomorrow if I want to call back to get a more confirmed update on acceptance.

Dont fully believe what that lady said ms. Bea is the only person in that office who actually knows the stuff... I just want this week to be over already.

Yeah she said Mrs. Bea was out today and to call back tomorrow and she will ask her.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I saw on the alvin community college thread that you got accepted into the program!!!!:DD what if you also get into lee college which program would you choose?

Thanks a bunch! My first choice is a BSN program which I'm still waiting on but if I had to choose between the ADN programs it would be Alvin. The only advantage to Lee for me would be that the program is a little less than 2 yrs which I love! :)

I am so happy for you, you deserve it futureRN2016 !!! :DD Hopefully Lee college's decision is positive news for both us:))

I know you will get in its just a matter of when! Lol

Dont forget to tell me if you receive any calls or emails from them please.

Yes absolutely! I am at the library studying but I will call for an update just for YOU! ;)

Thank you so much!!! You're so sweeet:)

Hey hope2015, I just called and the lady who answered said that the committee has not made a decision on whether or not there will be a Spring admission's or not. Just keep praying that things turn out on a positive note!

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