Learn To Say It Correctly!!

Nurses General Nursing

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Doesn't it just drive you insane when someone tells you that Mr. Smith's O2 STAT is 96%?

It's O2 SAT people! Sat, short for saturation. I even hear respiratory therapists saying this. I am sooooo tempted to say something next time, but I know it's just petty, so I needed to vent here. Thank you.


(Someone removed Hector from the scene). 

I actually think this is cute . . . sugar diabetes. I love that they add "sugar" to it.


I hate when people can't pronounce 'anesthesia' it's not 'anesTEESia'!! Also 'phenergan' not 'phenerGRAN'!! 

Specializes in Adult Stem Cell/Oncology.
SheriLynnRN said:
Doesn't it just drive you insane when someone tells you that Mr. Smith's O2 STAT is 96%?

It's O2 SAT people! Sat, short for saturation. I even hear respiratory therapists saying this. I am sooooo tempted to say something next time, but I know it's just petty, so I needed to vent here. Thank you.

Well, if you were to chart the O2 level over the course of a day or so and then figure out the mean, median, mode, and range, you would have some pretty interesting O2 stats! 

Specializes in cardiac, ortho, med-surg.
mistersimba said:
well, if you were to chart the o2 level over the course of a day or so and then figure out the mean, median, mode, and range, you would have some pretty interesting o2 stats!

Too funny!!!!: ?

I cannot stand when someone needs to WARSH their hands or whatever! A girl I went to nursing school with said that, I always wanted to grab her face and help her say WAAAASH!

I've heard a few from my instructors that made me grit my teeth. For instance, some medications can be given via a "parental" route. It's "ekspecially" important to double-check the route on the MAR when you're giving a medication like nitroglycerin, which is available as a tablet, a paste, a patch, "eksetera".

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

Orientated drives me crazy too. And you bathe a patient, you don't bath him.

As far as things like "you're" and "your" go....Oh my, I could go on & on. Kills me when people misspell "recipe" (e.g., "recipie") when they are on a recipe site (look at the name of the site!!). And can the world learn how to spell "definitely"?! How affect and effect.... Don't get me started. :)

Specializes in Med Surg, Hospice.

Oh yeah... and "To be Pacific"..... You want to tell me something about the Pacific Ocean? Really grinds my teeth....

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Education, Community Health.

I cannot stop laughing because these are some of my biggest pet peeves!

How about:

Saliva-- I've heard it pronounced "Sa-lava". ! !

Crohn's Disease-- Crow's Disease!

C-Diff-- Sea Driff

Sputum-- Sputium -- where does't that "I" come from?

Here's one:

How do you say "Diflucan"? I've always heard it said "Die-flew-can", yet where I work I hear "Die-flew-kin".

Which is it ? ;-)


This isn't a term limited to the medical field, but I can NOT stand when people say irregardless!! When that word comes out, I just can't help but feel like my image of who just said it is now tainted because that word screams ignorance to me, even when I know they are intelligent people, it just kills whatever they are trying to say.

It's a double negative, and when you think about it it just sounds off anyway so you don't have to be a grammer champ to be able to figure that one out. What do people think regardless means then?

And I am with the posters with the no/know, too/to waste/waist and so on, and apostrophies in the right place. I once worked in an office setting and a coworker was putting up decorations on a bulletin board that said "Happy Holiday's" in huge letters. She was so proud of how nice it looked and asked what I thought. I had to tell her there is NO apostrophe in HOLIDAYS and explain why, she was clueless but glad I told her before the whole place saw her work.

One of our instructors gave a GI lecture and talked about the digestive track...

Specializes in LTC, ER.

Yes, irregardless is one of my biggest pet peeves! I also hate when people say that they "could care less" when they should say they "couldn't care less."

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