last question on exam


Is it true if you think your last question from NCLEX is right you pass? thnks

You will pass or fail based upon all your questions answered, not only one question. If you took 85 questions, it took 85 questions to determine if you met the scoring criteria for a pass or not.

I dont think its true. I know a lot of people who got wrong on their last question but still passed.

Nope, not true. You have 15 questions that don't count towards your score regardless of the number of questions you get and those can be asked at any point in your exam.

I didn't think i got ANY of my questions correct. :)

But I ended up getting the minimum amount of questions and passed my NCLEX.

As pers said, there are a certain number of questions (15 for RN, 20 for LPN..or something like that) that are "dummy" questions, ones that are put on tests for testing for future tests. Whether you get them right or wrong does not effect your score. That last question could be a "dummy" questions and you get it right, but that one doesn't count..

How many questions did you had? Mine was 75 and was sure of my last question and I passed. Another friend of mine had the same experience as mine. though its not a gurantee. God bless!

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