Lansing Community College, 2012 applicant role call!

U.S.A. Michigan


I know there are some other LCC people out here somewhere! Anyone applying for 2012 admission?

I just applied for 2 year, 3 year and 2nd Degree programs today. Cast a wide net and see what you catch theory there!

I am estimating my point totals for 2 year and 3 year at 68-69 and 2nd Degree at 58-59.

Good luck to everyone who has worked so hard to get this far! May we all keep our sanity while we wait on letters...

I had 110 points for the second degree program, think I will get in??? The wait is killing me!

OMG the wait is killing me too!!! I have 115 pts. I think our odds are good. The only way we could really get more points is having our Masters or Doctorate. I bet we won't find out until next week though because people have until Friday the 15th to dispute their points. GOOD LUCK:)

I have 122 points... when do think we will hear back ?

By the way my name is Shasta I hope we all get in. It has been a long road and I know this program is going to be very ast did anyone hear about the clinicals ?//

Hopingfor...good to know! I wondered about that! They actually miscalculated mine. I contacted them right away and it was fixed. phew! I met with the advisor and she thought anything over than 105, but that was just a guess. I have never checked my mail so religiously ever!

Shasta ~ you are in, dont sweat it! Thats probably the most points! lol

How does financial aid work if you already have a degree ???? I really need the loan...

I got in!!!!!!!! WOoooooooooooHoooooooo!!!! I had 115 points!

I get financial aid, I have a masters degree!

good job futurenursejamie..

Congrats to all!!! Woohoo:) Has anyone heard how many days a week we need to be in Lansing? I live about an hour away and if it's more than 3 I think I'll relocate. I have heard however that clinicals are all over the state and that its a hybrid program! So I'd hate to move and have it be pointless!

The cutoff was 109! I cant believe i made it by one point! PTL!!! Does anyone know anything about the program?? I am so excited to hear all about it next Thursday!

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