Langara College Jan 2016 Intake


Hey guys! The deadline is quickly approaching for the Jan 2016 intake and I am already getting nervous and anxious. Especially after reading how high the GPA was for the fall 2015 intake. My GPA for the 5 credits is 3.18, so it's not outstanding and I'm quite nervous. How is everyone else feeling?

Is your prof ^^^^^^^^? How is he so far? :o

It says that the langara nursing program is completed in 3 years, 9 consecutive semesters..does this mean theres no break? D: How can we work as an ESN if theres no break between the semesters?

That's right, there's no break. The program continues right through the summer. Not sure how you would work as an ESN during that time. Maybe ask admissions?

there is an info session coming up this thursday :) at 6pm

Hi Tinaaa, I was told by the advisor in the info session that offers will go out in Late june - mid july

And regarding the ESN program, i was told that you will be going to school and working as a esn at the same time.

Oh awesome. Thanks for letting me know :) fingers crossed we hear some positive news!

Did they say anything about how many applicants they have so far for this intake?

unfortunately, they didn't because the orientation was held on may 28, and the deadline for app is the 30th ... so people can still apply last minute

Hi There!

I was also at the info session and from my understanding when I spoke to the advisor she let me know that the amount of applicants they receive each intake includes a lot of unqualified candidates who haven't completed their pre-reqs or are straight from high school so the total number of people that apply who are qualified is way less than the total! Also does anyone know that if a person with Bachelor degree applies do they get automatically accepted over those with higher GPA's?

Good luck to everyone!:up:


When I called the academic advisor at Langara, they told me that a Bachelor Degree is only considered as a preference and will help with your application by a small amount. Your GPA on the 5 prerequisites is the important one. I was also told that you should have a GPA MINIMUM of 3.0 to be qualified as an applicant

Thanks for the info, ladies. Ugh I'm so nervous/ anxious! :o

Hello future nurses!

Mind if I ask your GPAs on the 5 pre requisites?

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