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About xsazakura

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  1. Langara Fall 2016!

    Oh wow! That's interesting. I would recommend following what Langara advised
  2. Langara Fall 2016!

    I got mine at EMTECH at Richmond
  3. Langara Fall 2016!

    Hi, I'm currently a term 1 nursing student at Langara. You will need your respiratory fit test and first aid w/ CPR done in term 1. You are required to present them to your instructor in the first week of class. I recommend scheduling your fit test w...
  4. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    My friend got in with a 3.44 if that helps
  5. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Hi guys! I just accepted my offer as well! hope to see you all in Jan!
  6. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    I applied with a 3.6 for the 5 pre-req
  7. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    unfortunately, they didn't because the orientation was held on may 28, and the deadline for app is the 30th ... so people can still apply last minute
  8. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Hi Tinaaa, I was told by the advisor in the info session that offers will go out in Late june - mid july And regarding the ESN program, i was told that you will be going to school and working as a esn at the same time.
  9. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    there is an info session coming up this thursday :) at 6pm
  10. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Is your prof ^^^^^^^^? How is he so far?
  11. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Is anybody taking anatomy & physiology 2 this summer? (bio 1191 Langara)
  12. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Oh gosh, I hope it's not too competitive :l
  13. Langara College Jan 2016 Intake

    Hi! I applied for the 2016 intake as well and I am waiting in agony >.
  14. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    Yes, I'm currently at Langara just finishing A&P (: thanks for replying =D
  15. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    Hi nixnurse, Are you able to apply for the Jan intake before completing your pre-reqs?