Lack of confidence in skills, knowledge, experience... trying to return to nursing..

Nurses General Nursing


Hi there...

I am an inactive RN interested in returning to practice following five years of being a stay-at-home mommy. My drama is somewhat convoluted and lengthy, so thank you in advance for reading it... and any advice given will be greatly appreciated.

Although I graduated (1997) from nursing school at the top of my class (invited into Sigma Theta Tau and all of that business) I quickly discovered that being a top student did not give me all of the skills necessary to be a successful nurse. I began working for a home-health agency not long after graduation (1998). The owner of the agency assured me that I would be given a good caseload and support would always be a phone call away. At the time, my children were all pretty young but unfortunately, I was married to an abusive man and I feared for their safety while I was working shifts at the local hospital, thus the decision to go to the home health agency (we have since divorced and I am on my own now as a single parent... not that it's any easier, lol!) The promised caseload never materialized with this agency and while I had very good relationships with my clients and fellow RN's/CNA's, it became quite evident that I would have to look elsewhere for employment. I interviewed and accepted a position with the health department, a position that I enjoyed greatly. On my last weekend with this agency, I was assigned to be on-call and I made a visit to a client that I was unfamiliar with. Adult male, spina bifida, bilateral decubiti requiring dressing change, illiostomy... upon arrival at the client's residence, I made my assessment and did the required care up to the dressing change. I was unaware that the family did not maintain a supply of dressings (the agency director neglected to tell me this important bit of information...) so I did the best that I could and volunteered to return later with the dressings which the family declined. I reported the incident to the client's RN, charted my actions, and thought nothing further of it as I began my new position the next Monday. (I do have to admit that I did not give a proper two weeks notice to the agency... something I will never do again!) I would like to point out that this particular agency had a very high turn-over rate for RN's and CNA's, and several of the clients expressed dissatisfaction with the agency director. Also, since I was a new RN, I was frequently asked to provide CNA care to clients because of the high CNA turn-over rate... at a greatly reduced compensation!

Approximately six months later (1999) I received a notice from the board of nursing that my practice was being investigated regarding the previously mentioned incident. I did not have any prior notice from the agency at all, and several of the allegations brought against me was that I falsified my charting and did not perform any of the treatment that I was ordered to do, that I was fired because of this incident (I walked away from that job and was never told that I was fired...) and that the local police department had to assist the agency in the return of equipment issued to me (I returned it two weeks after I left their employment). The board ruled against me... probation with limitations, supervised practice, extra CEU's... In retrospect, I should have stuck it out but I thought the worst and surrendered my license. (My husband was being very abusive to the children and me and the time, and my self-esteem was at an all time low and I doubted everything about myself...)

In 2002, I decided to divorce my husband and return to nursing. The board reinstated my license... with all of the limitations, etc still in place. I accepted this without question. I moved to another state and obtained a license there (with limitations similar to the original state's limitations) and set out to find an RN position. Every hospital that I interviewed for lost interest as soon as I informed them of the limitations... and I gave up trying to find a job in that state. In December, 2004, the original state discontinued the disciplinary case and, according to them, my responsibilities to them were fulfilled and I hold an unencumbered license. The second state, however, has not been so generous... stating that since I have not fulfilled the obligations for supervised employment, the probation will continue indefinitely. I have since allowed that license to expire.

I have discovered that I am very good at doing stupid things, acting without thinking, and burning bridges. My question... what can I do to repair the damage done to my nursing career? I want to go through a refresher course and update my knowledge and skills... and how should I go about explaining the license that I allowed to expire... or is it even necessary? In the letter that the original disciplining board sent to me the district attorney wrote that I was not required to report the case for renewals, etc.

I am still struggling with self-esteem issues... I am an anorexic (went from 175 to 93 pounds) and I am scared to death about returning to nursing. I suppose I am afraid of failure, and I beat myself up on a regular basis regarding how successful I was in school and failed so miserably in practice.

Thank you so much for reading my rather lengthy narrative, and I appreciate any information or advice that I can receive from the participants of this board.

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend, and smile often...

Kathryn :)


I also agree with everyone post here.

1. you are a very brave and strong person to admit that you have an eating disorder that is the first step to getting better

2. You got a divorce of someone that hurts you and your girls

Now you are on your way to restore your life and your nursing career. Learn to look yourself in a mirror and see a very brave and strong women in front of you. Hug yourself and learn to love yourself. You deserve tons of kudos. I hope everything works out for you and God Bless you and your girls.

My Dear, what RN/WRITER HAS MENTIONED,adhere to all that is said i am a PSCHY nurse myself i could not have put it better you have had the courage to write about youself, so your selfesteem is not that low just work on every thing and be positive in what ever you go to do keep saying to yourself that you will suceed when those bad times come before you think of somthing nicethat has happend in your life.Good luck work on it.

Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.


My name is Leslie. I am going through some very VERY similar circumstances. I am dooing the refresher course right now. I requested it from the state board because of my attitude change regarding my career choice. I LOVED nursing for 10 years and hated it for 12. I have had my license attacked and left it and New Orleans to their demise. My family is talking me back into it. I have not needed a Zantac in 4 years. Last week I started on 75mg a day. I don't have anorexia. I am glad I don't have headaches. Stomach to jaw burns after just a bite of food now...sigh. At least I like nursing again. I hope and pray I get a good precepter to build up my confidence and help me identify any anger I may be trying to hide.

If you need an ear, or have an ear, for someone going through what your going through, send me a PM.

Specializes in Travel Nursing, ICU, tele, etc.

i was truly moved and touched by your post. you have been through sooo much. i am sorry that you didn't have the support that you needed with that bogus licensure issue. it sounds if you had pursued a lawyer or other support you would have had a very good chance of beating those charges. that is something you cannot change.

i have had mental health issues and an eating disorder myself and the most important thing you can do for yourself is to find a long-term therapist who you can use as support as you go through your refresher course and interview and start your first job. i would start that process now and use your therapist as a guide as to when you should start the refresher course etc, however given the strength of your post, i think you can start soon. but please get that therapist in your corner. i am still in therapy and am now an icu nurse and just achieved my ccrn! there is no way i would have ever achieved these milestones without a therapist in my corner. would not have happened!! getting myself into long-term therapy is the very best thing i have ever done for myself! remember,

relationships heal. a healing connection is what you need.


just a note to say this original post is from 2005.

"At any rate, you have permission to eat. You have permission to hug yourself and be on your own team. You have permission to love yourself right this minute and not have to wait until you have wiped up all the spilled milk. You have permission to laugh and sleep and cuddle your kids and want things and not want things and just be you every minute of every day."

I'm not sure if rn/writer is still posting here, but that was so lovely. I think we all need to here that once in awhile. :)

Specializes in OR, DR, RR, ER, OPD.

I read your other post about wanting to get into active nursing. I was inspired with that. You should go for it, you'll never know how many patients under your care will be blessed if you wont.

Then I've read your very brave revelation here, I was doubly inspired. No, triple inspired...I'm humbled...there's so many things to learn from your experience...I really admire your courage to stand up after that great storm in your life...God has great purposes for you knowing He has bestowed you with so much talent and wit, and one of it, obviously, is this- to serve as an encouragement to us. Thank you so much!

Trials work for us, and not against us. Humble yourself before the Lord, and HE WILL LIFT YOU UP.

God bless your plans and efforts!

You should go for it, you'll never know how many patients under your care will be blessed if you wont.

This is a wonderful way to look at it! I am still struggling with returning to work. I've been away for 8 yrs now and it makes it even more daunting to go back. I'm going to keep what you stated in mind. Thank you for that! :)

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