Published May 17, 2012
1 Post
Hello all,
Today, I went to a counselor at Pierce College to make sure that I had the prerequisites to apply for the nursing program. The counselor said that I was almost done with the prereqs because I was planning to take microbiology this fall. However, she said that they would not accept my Anatomy taken at CSU Northridge because it was only three units. They want four units! She said there is a upper division one unit lab class of anatomy at CSUN, "Just take that one upper division and you can apply for the nursing program".
REALLY!?! I don't want to waste another semester and hundreds of dollars at CSUN just for one unit.
Am I suppose to take Anatomy again, but at a LACCD just to make it 4 units?
Has this happened to anyone? Does this apply to every LACCD? All I can say is that I'm frustrated.
261 Posts
I did all of my nursing pre-requisites at community college but as a fellow Matador, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. The truth is that you really have to be careful to make sure the classes you take will satisfy the programs that you're considering applying to. I just looked up the Anatomy class you took at CSUN and I'm surprised that 1) it's only 3 units and 2) it is the one that CSUN's nursing program will accept because my class at Moorpark College was 4 and I looked at CSUCI (which combines both and does A&P I and II) and even that class was 4 units. I only see 3 solutions to this issue: 1. Find a program that accepts a 3 unit anatomy class (I don't know if Moorpark is as strict about this but like I mentioned, ANAT M01 over there is 4 units) 2. Bite the bullet and take the 1 unit Upper div. lab; it may be expensive but I would imagine it being considerably less work than taking the class again or 3. retake the entire class at a place that offers a 4 unit class (depending on the tuition situation at CSUN, this may end up being cheaper but would require more work). I am really sorry that our school deviates from the norm in this aspect but I hope everything works out for you!
980 Posts
I'm guessing your anatomy class didn't have a lab? Every pre-req list I've seen show a 4 unit Anatomy course is required.
294 Posts
Yeah, that's why I checked and took pre-reqs that would be accepted at any of the local CC's and some for out of state...
You have to cover your bases.
I think most LACCD nursing programs require the 4-unit Anatomy...
willowita, ADN, RN
517 Posts
Yeah, all the LACCD schools have a 4 unit requirement. When I went to LACC they even said that they had to be semester units so if you had that many units but they were from a quarter system, they wouldn't accept them. Or something like that.
I guess all you can do is take the class over the summer or fall at a community college. It would be more affordable than taking it at a CSU school.
37 Posts
well i dont know if i should even say this, but i took all my pre reqs at pierce and ive heard so many bad things about the nursing program at pierce.
its ridiculous that they dont accept your anatomy class from CSUN.
like others are saying, just take it at pierce or at another community college, it will be way cheaper than taking it at CSUN.
38,333 Posts
This happens to people all the time. Either they will grant you a waiver, or you can take the suggested one unit course. Many schools offer "make up" unit short courses for just such situations.