La Charity ??

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in Step-Down NICU/PICU.

Hello fellow allnurses members!... is the LA Charity Prioritization Delegation and Assignment Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination 2nd edition any good?...i have an older one from 2005 but i saw this one and it has the new formats according to the new changes nclex im wondering if its any good...its not a big book its half priority/delegation/assignment questions and half Case studies....any suggestions??...i figured b/c its the "newer" version it would help?? advice would be greatly appreciated...:confused:

I don't see how it couldn't be helpful. If you can afford a copy, get it, and use it. You can always sell the book when you don't need it anymore. Good luck on your exam.

Specializes in Step-Down NICU/PICU.

thanx caliotter3..did i just see a post u passing?? love!!...xoxo

Specializes in Step-Down NICU/PICU.

oh and its for the nclex RN...

Several people have suggested the Lacharity book stating that the Nclex is almost (40%) delgation and priority. I completed Excelsior's medic to Rn and my CA told me that figure. I will try to get it on the next payday.

I have the book just is it is worth to finish before I sit for my exam. since i have 5 day left. any suggestion will be greatly appreciate.

Specializes in Psych, Skilled Nursing.

I love my La Charity book! :) It really helped me in preparing for the test, even though I found the prioritization part hard. I finished the book and answered repeatedly the questions, what I did was write down my answers in a piece of paper and checked it, if I did not get above 75% I would try to answer the question again, based on some other plans here, it really helped me a lot. Plus I also made good on my other question trainers. :)

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