Kwantlen Polytechnic University Nursing Post-Baccalaureate Program


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Hi everyone!

I recently received an offer of admission to Kwantlen's BSN Post-Baccalaureate Program in which you can get your Bachelors in Nursing in 27 months. This program is to commence in Sept 2013.

I was wondering if anyone has any feedback regarding this program. What's it like compared to the Undergraduate BSN 4-year program at Kwantlen? How is the program in general compared to other BC Nursing Programs? etc.... Any help or information is appreciated!

If you have also been accepted to the program or is thinking of applying, feel free to comment!

Basically all she said about the online work is that we must make sure we don't fall behind. That's the biggest thing. She said online studying definitely isn't for everyone but they do a bunch of different interactive things to keep it interesting. She said its good if you have prior online studies experience because that will help you gage whether or not this program is for you or not.

I think it should be okay as long as we keep up and don't fall behind. I'm sure anatomy and physiology online was difficult because bio in general is difficult so I can't even fathom doing that online lol.

And yes she said after next summer (semester 3 I think it is) we can start to ESN because we will have that 10 week of clinical experience

facebook group sounds great!


I was just offered a seat in the bsn-pb program. I didn't make the first round because I am still working on my A & P course. Anyway, I actually wasn't expecting to be accepted at all, and so I didn't attend the info sessions in previous months... plus, the info online seems to relate mainly to the 4 year bsn.

My question: does anyone have a sense of the program schedule? 1) I plan to remain in Vancouver, but I wonder about flexibility in case I move to another community outside of the Lower Mainland or 2) plan to travel for a couple of weeks here or there.

Also, is anyone aware of opportunities for international placements for our practical experience? That would be pretty amazing, so I won't get my hopes up, haha.

Any information about the scheduling would be greatly appreciated!:) I also plan to email Pam Kubossek.

Hi all,

I was also just offered conditional acceptance for the September 2014 intake. If anyone wants to start a Facebook group prior to the beginning of the semester, that would be awesome! Also, I received an e-mail stating that we need to buy KPU scrubs. Where do we find these? And just wondering, as someone else also asked, how was the final entrance exam? Was it difficult since all the courses are delivered online?

Hey loch and jinx,

congrats on the offers. I'll try and answer some of your questions. As for the program schedule the first 2 weeks we'll be in school full time as well as 2 additional weeks sometime later in the program. You can definitely live outside the lower mainland and complete the program as many on this forum have stated they are doing, but I'm not sure how that works when having to go in to school during open lab times for simulation practices? Maybe somebody else has an answer to that.

I don't believe there is international opportunities for clinical practice but I would email P** to confirm that.

As for the scrubs you can get them from the bookstore I believe!

Thanks for the quick reply! I'm guessing the Langley bookstore would be the place to look, considering that is the main campus for the program? I swear I've been to that campus 4 times just this week to drop off paperwork haha.

Hi Everyone, I have received the conditional acceptance as well! I was just at the bookstore at the Langley campus and they do have the scrubs there. Not too sure about the other campuses.


Thanks for the info!

Also, I've been looking over the tuition costs on the kpu page, and find their description of the tuition per credit to be difficult to calculate. Anyone who was admitted last year have an estimate of the tuition for semester 1 and 2? Just trying to figure out if I'll need a loan. I plan to keep working a few shifts per week, and might be able to swing it without funding if semester 1 is less than $5000.


According to the website its 194.60$/credit plus 13.62$/credit for student fees. Semester one is 16 credits so if my math is right that should come up to around 3331.52 for the courses and then they told us about 1500$ for books.

Our dollar per credit is the most out of all the other courses at kwantlen. I'm definitely going to get a student loan even though I'm working tons right now. It's just so expensive. Especially the first semester

I have also just received an acceptance to the program which is great, but I am on the wait list for UBC as well so I am pretty confused about what I should do. I was told by admissions that I have until Friday to decide, but there is no way I will hear from UBC by then. Admissions told me that the deposit was $600. It seems expensive, did everybody pay $600? Does anybody have any information about the orientation dates and times? I'm trying to figure out if it will work with my job. Thanks for your help!

For anyone is already in the program, I have a few questions about semester 3. From what I understand, students are required to complete 2 weeks of class on campus and then do 10 weeks of clinical placements. How many hours of clinical placements are you required to complete each week? Are they scheduled on the same day? Is there any flexibility in the clinical placements? Thanks for your help!

Hi star lite,

We start Sept 2 for the two week stint at the Langley campus and I believe they are almost full days...I thought we ended around 2:00 but was told 4:00 by one of the program coordinators...

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