Kuwait MOH



I am new to this site and I found it very informative. This would be my first post. I would just like to know if anybody on this board wrote the Kuwait MOH exam last March 18 in PICC? I believe there were 3 agencies who facilitated the exam and interview. In my case I passed the exam and was interviewed by the Kuwait MOH delegates last March 24 at Diamond Hotel- Manila. The agency called me up informing me that I passed the interview and wait for further instructions for the next step. I would just like to hear how many of us are awaiting for possible deployment to Kuwait and any update as to your case will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.

I also heard from a friend they are asking for 50k deposit. But you should be vigilant before giving a big amount of money. Remember you did not sign any contract yet and this friend(ex-Kuwait nurse) of mine had a bad experience before when we were in Al-Essa Company. He was supposedly assigned in MOH, but when he arrived, he had to wait for a long time(2-3mos) before landing into a job. What is more unfortunate is that, he was assigned in a PRIVATE hospital.

So guys be careful. If you'd ask me, they(Company) should only ask for money once when get the plane ticket. WHY? It's like this: how much is the visa processing? around 25-30k php. If for example(I hope not) you gave 50k, and the company back out of the contract, do you think the company will still return the money(probably, yes but it will take a long and the worse possibility is that they will not return the money because they have already used it)?

NOW, how much is a plane ticket, around 40-50k php. In that case, our sponsor company will think twice before backing out of a contract because they have already paid a big amount of money.

Better ask your company first if you can give the placement fee once you receive the plane ticket, or at least once you have signed a contract. If they will not agree, then it's up to you to decide. GL guys. See you in KWT!

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.


Guys try to read this, just saw this in facebook early today. This is not to discourage you but to make all of you aware of what is happening there in Kuwait. The man in the picture wearing red cap is a friend/hostel mate of mine. This is the problemm when we work under an agency. And btw, our agency there in Kuwait is Al-Essa company.

hello nursejv do u have ur visa already? im from bestone here in ilocos sur branch.. they told us that we have an exam on 24 with the deligates from kuwait but they called awhile ago to tell that that the exam will postpone on sept. because of the ramadan.. hay..

accoding to our agency that our original visas are ready.....so i'm just asking your opinions if you will purue or not behind these issues...??

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.

wew.. the visas for Gulf employment's out, unfortunately I was not included in the list. They said, they had to return my visa because it was mispelled. But actually, I was thinking that they just said that so in case that there are people who would back out they have reserve applicants.

for reuf09, i'd you should pursue this emplyment(good offer) but be vigilant in giving away money. be observant and ask for other people who were hired by your agency so that all of you will be aware of what is going on. Goodluck.

a friend of mine had received a text message from ADM agency and it says the original visa is there already... and they want to pay 15k for deposits...

im from mother's way but i never heard any news if our visa is already available.. :C

i am really thanking you priof for all the vital infos that you've shared here....

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Please only post in English as per the Terms of Service of the site. I have deleted a post because it was not in English

I found this site very informative. Is anyone here paid for 50K? I am from Best One Agency, and I already have the scanned copy of my visa. The agency asked me to pay 50K as an initial deposit to get the original visa. How was that? I called and asked them if they can send me the contract. My agent just told me that she has to type the contract first. She also told me to deposit the 50K as early as possible for me to get the original visa. 50K is not easy to produce that is why I need to read the contract and have it signed first. Any suggestions from you here? Thanks.

Processing of visa, as what the agency told me during my interview, would costs only about 15k... depositing a big money as 50k is too much big... if that is the negotiation between you and your agency, well, make sure that you have the copy of original contract stated everything including the benefits, terms and regulation. Also, ask for an original receipt and not the temporary one. As stipulated in our law, in any payment above 500 Php one must request a receipt... be wise guys...

P.S. if your agency has the ARABIC CONTRACT, much better to ask a copy of that rather than the ENGLISH CONTRACT; sometimes, these 2 contracts do not coincide its statement. Believe me, I already experienced such circumstance.

Thanks a lot, kreutz. Well, I have not seen the contract yet. I would better ask to have it in two forms, Arabic and English. Do you know anyone who can read and interpret Arabic language in Manila? hehe Thanks.

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