Published Mar 31, 2011
124 Posts
I am new to this site and I found it very informative. This would be my first post. I would just like to know if anybody on this board wrote the Kuwait MOH exam last March 18 in PICC? I believe there were 3 agencies who facilitated the exam and interview. In my case I passed the exam and was interviewed by the Kuwait MOH delegates last March 24 at Diamond Hotel- Manila. The agency called me up informing me that I passed the interview and wait for further instructions for the next step. I would just like to hear how many of us are awaiting for possible deployment to Kuwait and any update as to your case will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.
2 Posts
my agency called me that i passed the interview and they said i should wait for further instruction. I think kuwait needs 200male nurses and 150female. I am not that sure. We have to wait for 2-3months for the visa processing that's what my agency told me.
Good luck to us Claymore and to those who applied for Kuwait. If that's the case, I believe 2-3 months is not that long wait. It's not also advisable that we leave our current hospital jobs as of now since things might take a different turn that does not favor our side. This is my first attempt to apply for work in the Middle East and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can make it to Kuwait, for me this is a detour while waiting for my US visa with a Priority Date of July 2008.
78 Posts
good for you guys. I supposed to take the exam but due to some important matters I was not able to fly from cebu to manila to take the exam. I think it is around 650KD whicj I believe it is way around Php100,000.00 for the salary.. Hopefully I could make it for the next scheduled exam date.. Jus keep us updated guys.. Goodluck and Godbless!
No news yet with Kuwait MOH. I was wandering what next step are they going to do with the applications. I heard they are also going to India to recruit.
babyblue_7983, LPN, LVN
6 Posts
I also passed the exam and interview for KUWAIT-MOH.i think it will take about 6mos to one yr for visa processing thats what my friend told me coz shes already in Kuwait. i guess while waiting we have to process all the needed docs.. Godbless us..
erwin baguio
hi my agency advised me to submit my authenticated papers and they will submit it to employers in Kuwait. I fervently pray that the processing of visa will take shorter time..
@erwin baguio, i also received a txt from my agency.i already passed all the 2011 documents except for my form 137 coz i need to process it yet in DEpEd.. HOw bout u?
Honestly I don't know where our application to Kuwait-MOH will lead us. It's as if they are just trying to hold us and are doing only a manpower pooling. I'm aware that visa processing to kuwait takes time but it's with the sub-cons of MOH that I'm not agreeable with.
An insider from the agency that I applied who happened to be a close family friend give me an idea what really is the processing. MOH will apply us only with a visit visa (not a working visa) valid only for 3 months. We still don't have a hospital or employer in kuwait right now that will offer us job. The sub-cons will cater us by the time we will be in Kuwait and it will only be the time that these sub-cons will look for employers for us there in Kuwait. That only means that we have to be idle while in kuwait as long as there's still "no-takers" for us. The 650KD is no guarantee guys but the placement fee of that amount is a sure guarantee for the agencies.
I am hesitant to submit the red ribbon documents because it took me so much time, energy, effort and money to have these and it will only land in the hands of these agencies and stay there waiting probably for nothing.
In my case, I am applying for jobs in Abu Dhabi and my applications are a lot more promising than with Kuwait-MOH. I think they are just trying to hold as much documents from us to have their strong hold that we cannot apply anymore to other job openings.
I am not suggesting that you withdraw your application but you have to think a number of times before acting on this application. It's enough that they had our passport.
31 Posts
I also received a message from my agency to pass the photocopy of my red ribbon documents. Well I'm anxious right now.
i will pass it on march 25 what is your agency here is my celpone number 09064583369 so that we caqn exchange information regarding our application
12 Posts
i also passed the exam and interview last march... and i already submitted my 2011 red ribbon documents(photocopy) to my agency last week.