Kuwait MOH



I am new to this site and I found it very informative. This would be my first post. I would just like to know if anybody on this board wrote the Kuwait MOH exam last March 18 in PICC? I believe there were 3 agencies who facilitated the exam and interview. In my case I passed the exam and was interviewed by the Kuwait MOH delegates last March 24 at Diamond Hotel- Manila. The agency called me up informing me that I passed the interview and wait for further instructions for the next step. I would just like to hear how many of us are awaiting for possible deployment to Kuwait and any update as to your case will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.

30-item test... multiple choice... all come in 5-6 sets.

Greetings to all my collegue!

I am one of the applicants for NURSE-KUWAIT under MOH. I did my medical last JULY 14, 2011 and signed the agreement of undertaking notarized by the lawyer. My agency showed my salary from 650KD turned to 705KD. after the MOH screened my qualifications. I guessed all of Us Applicants had Increased in Salary offer from 650KD to 685KD-715KD.

Im hoping that our application will push through. Godbless us all.

nursejv- 09491584761

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.

That's nice! well, as for me, it only went up to 665kd! They increased the salary base on the year of experience. I'm a 2yr-ex-Kuwait nurse by the way and is only planning to work there until I receive my US visa.

Which agency hired you? ADM, Mom's way or Best1? GL

GOOD DAY... hey nurse JV... uhm, july 14 or june 14? what agency are you in? you mean medical or the pre-medical exam (HbsAg and x-ray)??? im done all my requirements last June but still waiting for the agency to contact me if there's new information... yet til now, i haven't heard anything and even signing of contract, never done yet... thanks

Hello Collegues:

Haha im sorry Kreutz it was June 14.. It was a Pre-Medical but the Test done is not limitted to Hbsag and Xray. It is a Complete Medical exam. Laboratories, Xray, Physical Exam, Dental, Vision etc.. My agency is BEST ONE.

What agency are you from Kreutz? Goodluck to you Piorf for American dream :)


ahhh.. ok... My agency is mother's way... well, good luck for all of us... keep posting if there are new informations. :D

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.

Im from ADM and also had a lot of med exams done during the premed.

I have friends,ex kuwait nurses, who applied in Mom's way and Best1. Actually, we were from Al Essa company, the main agency of Best1 in Kuwait. We worked in private hospitals and we're not satified with the salary/rules.treatment that we're getting. After the contract we decided to go home and reaapply.

ADM told us that visas will be available today but when I called them, they said that they will inform us tomorrow if our visas are ready. Cant wait..

Thanks for the info priof. hope that our visa too will come very soon. Godbless to all of us!

yay... thanks a lot... can't wait... can't wait... Hope our VISA is there already... :D INSHAALLAH

Hello Priof. DO you have your VISA already?

Specializes in ER, Endoscopy Nurse.

Unfortunately, no, i dont have yet. Felt dissapointed, though it's expected. But what they've told us, the visas will be available within this week/month.

btw, i heard from a friend that best1 agency will/might also release visit visa this month. In my experience, we will be able to get out of the country in 2-3mos.

Only VISIT visa? tsk..tsk..

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