Published Feb 13, 2005
105 Posts
Anyone who's seen my post already knows that I'm not liking nursing & I've only been at it for 7months. So, to make an informed decision of whether I just being picky of if there's more to my unhappiness I've decided to look at career guides & personality type books. I've looked through & taken many tests...
Yesterday, I read a GREAT book, "Do What Yor Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type," by Paul D. Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger. I've learned alot about my personality by honestly answering the questionares (I even had my husband- who's known me for 8yrs confirm my findings to make sure I was answering honestly).
Turns out I am sooo in the wrong personality type is Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, & Judger (ESTJ). I'm actually the opposite of what they recommend for people working as a nurse. I'm a Dominant Thinker, & all the personalities that recommend nursing are Feeling & Sensing.
The book gives a great analogy...when you are working in a career where your dominant & auxillary functions are utilized, it's like signing your name w/ your dominant hand (comes very naturally & easily). When you use your weaknesses, for me #1 feeling, #2 Intuition, it's like trying to sign your name w/ you non-dominant hand (it's requires much more concentration & can be very difficult). So basically, I've jumped into a career that's very stressful & I'm working twice as hard just to stay afloat.
I'm not saying this book is 100% correct, but I will say that I agree w/ what I've read, it really does sound exactly like me...I just wanted to share what I found w/ others who have similar feelings, or just want to learn their type. Below is a couple other books that I've read or will be finishing this weekend.
1) Discover What You're Best At, by Linda Gale
2) Test Your Own Job Aptitude: Exploring Your Career Potential, by
Jim Barrett & Geoff Williams
3)Career Tests: 25 revealing self-tests to help you find & succeed at the perfect career, by Louis Janda, Ph.D.
Good luck!!!
FYI.. most of these books have tests or questionarres b/c that's what I was looking for...there are many others that are text only! :Melody:
Curious1alwys, BSN, RN
1,310 Posts
...............and you probably have read all these books and like these tests BECAUSE you are a dominant thinker!:)
Jeez, I have this book, but I lent it out, so I am trying to think of what I was. Isn't this the one with the cards...where you have to pick the one that best fits you? On that one, I am mostly green and then gold.
Myers-Briggs? ISTJ. That other one where they give you a name I come out the "Guardian" or "The Intellectual" or the "Loyalist". I have to say that they usually hit my personality dead-on.
Unlike you, I am reading these books PRIOR to entering nursing school to see if there is any hope for me. So far, it doesn't look promising. I have been struggling with it for a year now. School is scheduled to start in July and I am now thinking about laboratory work (somewhat more suitable for my thinking-introvert personality).
All the tests pretty much say doctor for me, but I don't want to be in school that long.
LOL........feeling and intuition were my weaknesses as well! So...........what are your "dream" careers? Maybe our choices would match? Did you like microbiology and not so much like sociology? I did. You seem better of than me since atleast you are extroverted! I probably fall somewhere between extro and intro...
Maybe you can get into an area of nursing that is more your type? That is what is neat about the can move around once you get experience. All hope is not lost!!!
I think I'd like the ED, more so short-procedure units like IR (interventional radiology orthe cath lab. But I'm finding that you need critical care experience (I'm working on that now) & there aren't too many openings. They're good positions so people don't leave them too often.
I'm more so a matter of muttering my way through the next 1-1.5yrs of real bedside nursing.
Honestly, I'll probably do the nursing thing, then further my education (checking out a few more books before deciding on my major). I've fallen under several types of jobs..1-2 said MD (I don't want to do that, too much schooling & way too many hassles), most are more business related, executive- positions of power. I'm finding that I prefer a more set schedule w/ a steady pace, not RUN, RUN, RUN!!!! (like nursing). I'm going to seriously sit down after compiling all the data from the different resources & determine what will suit me best. I was talking to my hubby last night, it was interesting that he pointed out how important enjoying my job is to me, I never realized til I've done something that just doesn't fit.
If I heard your response correctly, I would tryto take into consideration what you naturally excel at (your abilities), you personality, & your motivation. Then see what fits for you... I've read too many books!
...makes me wonder what it is that drives me to be so determined at times...I said to my hubby "I must be a dork...who else would voluntarily take all these test??? LOL!!!!
Best of luck! :chuckle
You sound exactly like me! I think I am going to end up spending big bucks on some aptitude testing from Rockport Institute. Once I get the results from that, and taking into accound all the books I have read as well on personality and career....I will try to make the most educated choice. Careers to look into for me are ultrasound, radiology, nuke med, laboratory stuff, medical research...I have a few months. Good Luck to you as well and I hope you find your niche soon!
PS. Do you think nursing itself would be more tolerable for you if you only did it once per week? Say if you worked 12-24 hours per week? Just curious.:)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
I would think your results would fit you right in with nursing. Do they think nurses should be introverts?
My thought is there are so many different personality styles in nursing, from quiet, calm, cool and collected to outgoing, assertive, etc.
No one size fits all in nursing and there seems to be room for all kinds.
Not that I'm trying to discredit any theories these books may have. I think they are great tools for analyzing your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, etc. and getting to know yourself. However, I don't think they should be a qualifier as to what kind of person makes a good nurse because in my years I've seen them all. I tested on those many years ago, and I can't remember anything other than I was an introvert at at time.
Just my two cents, take it for whats it's worth.
It might make a difference...I know when I switched from my last job to my current position, I had a week & half off.... it was soooo resfreshing!! I think my last place was so horrible that I had a mini "burnout"... That refreshing feeling lasted about a week, then back to the grindstone:(
We'll see what the last book brings, I'll try to keep you posted!!!
Sun Chica...
What is your last book? I lent a friend my other two books, she is bringing them back so I can see what I was..:) My nursing educations is slated to begin in July so I must make a decision by then. I will have to quit my full time job for it so it is a BIG decision to make. I am inching closer, but not quite there at a decision. As the final straw, I am considering this:
It is very expensive, but to tell the truth, I don't know what else to do. I have researched and feel pretty confident about the type of work I would enjoy, but really have no clue as to what I am good at naturally. I thought this test would help me fit that to a profession. I hate spending that kind of money when I am looking at quitting my job, but I don't know what else to do.....
1,164 Posts
thrashej, before you spend so much money...have you checked the career center at your school. many have appitude tests there free!
sun_chica, i think that (just as 3rdshiftguy stated) nursing is very diversified. just looking at all the different threads on allnurses, you can see the huge amount of opportunities. you may have to go for a bsn for some of them, but don't cancel nursing all together...especially, since you've come so far.
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
Just a thought here........ I'm not trying to talk you out of nursing but it seems to me that if you're working so hard (books/tests) to talk yourself out of being a nurse then perhaps you're not as ready to give it up as you think?
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I would think your results would fit you right in with nursing. Do they think nurses should be introverts?My thought is there are so many different personality styles in nursing, from quiet, calm, cool and collected to outgoing, assertive, etc. No one size fits all in nursing and there seems to be room for all kinds. Not that I'm trying to discredit any theories these books may have. I think they are great tools for analyzing your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, etc. and getting to know yourself. However, I don't think they should be a qualifier as to what kind of person makes a good nurse because in my years I've seen them all. I tested on those many years ago, and I can't remember anything other than I was an introvert at at time. Just my two cents, take it for whats it's worth.
I agree. Also, how can one (and only one) personality type be appropriate for nursing when there are so many different roles and career paths within the profession? The characteristics that make a person well-suited for one career path or particular role might be totally ill-suited for another.
There are many jobs within nursing that would make my life absolutely miserable. However, I love the job I have.
llg (ddd is my home account I use on the weekends)
192 Posts
Bless all the nurses that fit into nursing .There is not just one kind of Pt that's why we need so many diffrent kinds of nurse.There are all diffent kinds of nursing from on the hospitial floor to home to hospice to a marketing nurse like me.We just aren't in the hospitials any more.Theres even nurses who do insurance.We don't fit a mold any more.
how do you get into the marketing aspect? I believe I would enjoy a job in nursing if I didn't have to deal w/ the constant patient contact...I enjoy working w/ people, just not waiting on them!!!
I feel that everywhere I look, you need to have minimum of a BSN w/ years of experience or an MSN w/ few years experience. My issue is that I don't know if I can hack a few years or more at the bedside.
My mom is encouraging me to go for registered dietician b/c love nutrition & fitness. My mother-in-law recommended that I get my BSN in nursing (I can go to Temple & I only need 40credits (I already have 128 credits from my nursing & animal management degrees), then look for a job outside the profession (she has a teaching degree & works in industrial something w/ a pharmaceutical company.
I don't know... I could complete my BSN or further my animal management degree or go in a totally different route (general business degree). I enjoy learning so going back to school doesn't bother me, but I'd like to start to plan for a family w/in the next year (I want kids while I'm young), & I don't want to be going to school FT & working FT w/ a just won't happen!