i was kicked out of nursing school


i'm a 3rd year nursing student and I failed my CPE II and i am not allowed re-entry into the nursing program.. i made a couple of bad mistakes in clinical. ie. med error and lied about it and didn't inform my clinical instructor or nurse.

what can i do?????

i believe I am a great student. i have a GPA of 3.53. i am conscientous and hard working. this is totally not fair =(

i'm having trouble focusing b/c my brother in law was recently dx with leukemia the day after my sister announced she was pregnant and another relative died yesterday from end stage ovarian cancer!! is this a not good enough reason to perform poorly?

would i be able to transfer to another school? would they accept me?

please help guys! i desperately need some advice.

Thank you.

Thanks for the words everyone.

Elpark, why would another nursing program not accept me? How would they know? I would not be able to transfer to another school?


Any other program to which you apply will ask you to submit transcripts from any other post-secondary institution (college or university) you've ever attended, and may well ask you outright if you've ever attended any other nursing program. Failure to answer all the application questions honestly and completely and submit all your previous transcripts is considered academic dishonesty the same as cheating on an exam or turning in someone else's work as your own. If you are honest with other schools, they'll know about your previous experience. If you're not honest with the school, well, that's just adding more lies to the one that's already gotten you in trouble, and making your original problem worse. I don't know for sure that another school wouldn't accept you, of course, but, as I commented earlier, dishonesty is really the "kiss of death" in nursing programs -- you can be forgiven for a whole lot of other things a lot easier than you can be forgiven for that.

Even if you choose to lie to another school, you never know if that information is going to show up on financial aid records or some routine background check. If nothing else, nursing is a "small club" and nursing education is an even smaller club. Nursing educators tend to know each other in a particular area/region, and there's a good chance someone will speak to someone else and you'll be found out.

Honesty really is always the best policy in nursing, even if only because dishonesty tends to come back around and bite you in the butt, often when you least expect it.

Good luck with your review at your present school. I hope you'll think long and hard about this situation in choosing how to respond to the committee. Best wishes!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
i'm a 3rd year nursing student and i failed my cpe ii and i am not allowed re-entry into the nursing program.. i made a couple of bad mistakes in clinical. ie. med error and lied about it and didn't inform my clinical instructor or nurse.

what can i do?????

i believe i am a great student. i have a gpa of 3.53. i am conscientous and hard working. this is totally not fair =(

i'm having trouble focusing b/c my brother in law was recently dx with leukemia the day after my sister announced she was pregnant and another relative died yesterday from end stage ovarian cancer!! is this a not good enough reason to perform poorly?

would i be able to transfer to another school? would they accept me?

please help guys! i desperately need some advice.

thank you.

are you just venting? or are you serious? because a conscientous, hard working and great student does not make a med error and lie about it. lying about a med error is the hallmark of someone who ought not to be a nurse.

i made a couple of bad mistakes in clinical. ie. med error and lied about it and didn't inform my clinical instructor or nurse.

This alone would have been bad enough to get booted from my program with zero chance of re-entry. I believe this also puts your clinical instructor, your supervising nurse, and your nursing program in huge amounts of hot water.

I am very sorry to hear of the problems you are facing and I cannot imagine how you feel. This may sound harsh but based on your descriptions it really does sound like nursing is not the career for you right now. Not at this point in your life.

I wish you the best and hope you have great success dealing with your current issues and getting your academic and career goals straightened out.

I reread your last post...the one saying you have a chance to write a letter explaining what happened. I did not see anywhere the words " I regret lieing, I am sorry for lieing...what was I thinking when I chose to lie about the med error." I did not feel the remorse, or concern for the patient, not really. I only felt you felt bad because you were kicked out of the program.

I personally feel you should choose another career option. I really dont mean to sound mean but how can a person take back a lie that could have caused real harm to a person.

I realize people are human and people make mistakes. But it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and take responsibility.

It is hard for me to get past asking for suggestions on what to write. Thats not responsiblilty.

In Parting....consider yourself lucky that you have a chance to explain. Take time to reflect on what happened.

Med errors are serious business, if you had just admitted you made the mistake maybe they would have at least let you retake the semester or something. If you ever make a med error again in school, fess up to it immediately!!!! It's not something to take lightly. Honestly you could have killed somebody. Please take away from this the importance of med errors and the importance of honesty. Hopefully you learned your lesson. I wish you the best in your future schooling

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