Published Aug 25, 2010
22 Posts
Hello All!
I just applied for Kennesaw State University's traditional BSN program today. I'm writing to see if anyone else has recently applied (or plans on applying soon). It would be awesome to hear from people in the same boat....those who have applied and are anxiously awaiting KSU's response or those that have been through this already. It would be nice to know that I'm not alone! :)
To get an idea of how competitive things are, it would be great if we could share with each other the following:
GPA, Pre-Req GPA (7 out of the 12 corse classes, 5 of which need to be math or science) & TEAS Score.
I don't know my overall GPA...something around a 3.4.
My pre-req GPA is 3.57 (4 B's, 3 A's).
I scored a 86 on my TEAS.
I would love to hear from people that have recently been accepted (or know someone that has). If you don't mind sharing, please let me know what you received for your GPA, pre-req GPA & Teas score.
I would also like to know if anyone has an idea of the time-line for KSU sending out the interview invite letters.
10 Articles; 18,998 Posts
Moved to GA Nursing Programs Discussion forumn
See Kennesaw State Spring 2011 thread
4 Posts
Hi KSUHopeful,
I just applied for Summer 2011. I'm not sure about the timeline for interview letters, but I'm assuming it will be a few months from the application deadline of 8/31. I have an overall gpa of 3.95 and a 3.8 in my pre reqs. My teas was an 89.5. Good luck to you. It sounds like you are a strong candidate for an interview invite, just based on what I have read on this site so far.
Thank you for your input. I'm anxiously waiting for a letter to come through and based on what I've read here, we should expect the interview invites to come within two to three months after the application due date. So I guess we will hear something by November at the latest. Please keep me posted if/when you receive an invite (based on your scores, I'm sure you will get a letter).
Did you complete your prerequisites at KSU or somewhere else? I completed most of mine at Boston University, where I received my first Bachelor's degree but filled in the gaps with a few classes at Chattahoochee Tech. From what I understand, KSU shows some preference towards students that complete the prerequisites at KSU.
Thanks again for your feedback. It's nice to know that there is someone else out there in the same boat! :)
I had some coursework transfer in from Southern NH. Univ., but I was an acct/fin. major, so I have had to take all the labs at KSU. So are you from Boston? I am from Keene, NH, but lived in Portsmouth for a while, which is only like an hour or so away from Boston.
I'm not really sure how much KSU weighs xfer students vs. current KSU students. Maybe you should post a question asking those who were admitted to KSU nursing and were not current students what their scores and GPA were.
Thanks. I will post a thread asking for that info but I guess in the end it only matters what the admissions team at KSU thinks. It's just kind of nice to set yourself up with realistic expectations (by knowing who got in and what their scores were).
I'm from NY but went to school in Boston for four years. I love Boston. It's a great city (in the warmer months at least).
Thanks again for your input. Let's hope that we both find ourselves in the program at KSU! :)
Has anyone received an interview letter who applied to the Summer 2011 entrance class for the nursing program at KSU? I'm still waiting...
I am also still waiting...
thanks for the reply. i think i'm going to post a new thread to see if i get more of a response. i know that there has to be more people out there waiting with us! :)
19 Posts
I got standby status for spring 2011 and I've already applied for Summer 2011. I talked to Fran a few weeks ago and she said that interview letters would probably be mailed out near the beginning of November with interviews in January. But that might have changed.
Hey! Thanks for the info. I was hoping that I would hear from them regarding the interview some time soon. I also applied for Summer 2011. Good luck with your entrance into the Spring program. What were your thoughts on the interview on your first go around? How long did the whole thing last? Thanks again for getting back to me.
you're welcome, and thanks. I thought I did well on the interview, but found out that I actually did really poorly :/ Probably because I've never had any kind of interview before that. They last usually 20 minutes, sometimes more. It depends on how long your answers are, and you want to give as many details as possible. They're all situational questions like: "Tell me about a time where you... and how did you handle it/what was the result. All the questions (you'll get about 5 or 6) are centered around what they believe to be important qualities to a nurse: leadership, customer service oriented, compassion, ethics, problem-solving, etc... So they'll ask you about times where you exercised those skills. Like, "describe a time where you showed compassion" "Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision" were 2 of the questions I got. And they'll usually ask you why you want to be a nurse.
If you go to the CAPS center at Kennesaw Hall, you can schedule a mock interview where they'll ask you questions similar to the ones you get in the real interview (might even be the same one). They film you and play back the video after wards and give you tips.