Published Jul 28, 2008
Coffee Nurse, BSN, RN
955 Posts
...and while I know this sentiment is pretty common, I came out feeling like I failed. I'm not the strongest candidate ever, so I was fully expecting a long test, but the computer shut off right after 75. Now I'm thinking either I'm really good at educated guessing, or knew even less than I thought I did.
Ahhh. AHHH. This is going to kill me for the next 24-48 hours!
258 Posts
I know it is hard but try to think positive. You may have passed. Many have the computer shut off at 75 and think the worst only to find out they passed. One of my fellow students said it was the hardest test she had ever taken; she was asked about drugs she had never heard of, diseases that made her say "huh", and the computer shut off at 75. Lo and behold, the girl passed. She's now happily working night shift in L and D.
Now, if the worst happens and you didn't pass, pick yourself up, decide on a study plan, and start over. The second time will be the charm, not the third. lol
33 Posts
I can definatley relate to how you're feeling! I tested also today.. I went in feeling very calm and confident and left not having a clue!!! This wait is going to kill me!!! Best of luck! :)
Thanks, luck to you too! When can you find out your results?
I PASSED! Wow. I guess I knew more than I gave myself credit for! Thanks for the encouragement, everyone
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you wasted all that good worrying for nothing. lol Best of luck in your nursing career.
518 Posts
congrats on passing....way to go.....
i got my ATT 3 days ago...i test august stomach got upset and all nervous the second the lady gave me the test date.....AAHHHHH.......i try to sit and study and my mind just wanders......i have been in training for a new job for the past 3 was an hour an 1/2 drive at 6 in the AM and didnt get home till 6 PM..long boring days....listen to dept heads and diff insurance stuff....3 weeks!!! NOW i start the real job with medically frail handicpped on monday....I CANT is s state job and the pay an benefits are aawsome!!!..
ok...back on and what did you study? I have the saunders review book and CD....and another review book too....not sure of the name....should they be my notes from school.....
congrats again
gwafuh_rn, BSN, RN
1,241 Posts
congrats new nurse
12 Posts
congrats RN!!!
32 Posts
Congrats! Any tips for me?