Please, please, bare with me. This is a horribly long rant. but I would really appreciate your opinion.
A year ago there were staffing cuts in the hospital that I worked at at the time. I survived the lay off, but it were the two nastiest, most stressfull months in my life sofar. Eventhough I did not get layed off, I ended up leaving that hospital a few months later, because the working atmosphere there never really recovered and was more than grimm... Everyone there seemed tense, stressed and cranky all the time. Not a nice place to go to work every day, really...
Anyway, now I've worked in a SNIF for over three months and I enjoy this job very much. A few days ago we were informed by our DNS that there will be cut backs. we will go down from three nurses on night shift to two and there will be a change from 12 hour shifts to 8 hour shifts. she gave us the option to come up with a schedule by ourselves by a certain deadline or she will implement a rotating four on, two off shedule.
Yeah, it looks like, there will be lay offs again. It seems to be following me around like the plegue... I'm scared. Since I'm currently working there only two days a week, I'm scared that I will get left out somehow and that I will be pushed out by more pro-active people. It might sound funny now, but eventhough I've only been there for three months, there have been so many changes lately, that on my shift I am the second most senior person. However this is not a unionized work place. The DNS told me, that she'll go by seniority, in case she needs to let someone go, but in reality, she can do anything she wants. And she's been known to change her mind in the past...
I really don't want to leave, I don't want to get etched out. This morning I called the DNS to get updated on what's going on over there, since I'm not back till next thursday and I'm so affraid to miss out on something and consequently get walked all over by the other nurses that are there daily and - I can imagine in such a situation - kissing up to the DNS. She wasn't available, so I talked to the staff coordinator. She didn't really want to say much, she only told me, that there is a deadline for the night shift staff to come up with a schedule and that this one nurse who's only been there for about three weeks by the way, but is very know... "active and involved" in this (hmmmm, wonder why:uhoh3: ) is working on creating a schedule. When I asked her again, if it'll go by seniority, she didn't confirm it. She said that it is really up to the DNS.
I told her, that I don't want to bohter the DNS with lots of phone calls regarding this issue, but that I don't want to miss out on any information or meetings and to please call me, if there is any news. I also told her that I would like to emphasize, that I really like to working in this facility and that I definitely don't want to leave. I also told her that eventhough there are schedule patterns that I am not particularly fond off, for the sake of stayng, I am willing to adjust to whatever is necessary, as much as I can. she said that she'll be sure to relay it to the DNS, but who knows? Maybe they really don't give a damn... I want to be pro active and do what I can to protect my status there, but I also don't want to be the one, who calls the supervisors every five minutes and is up their you know what all the time...
Oh I'm so anxious now. These things really upset me. I'm affraid that if I don't stand up for myslef I will loose out. It's a pride issue as well as an issue of not wanting to lose this particular job.
I'm really sorry that this is so long and sort of ranting, but I'm so nervous. Can anyone give me some advice? Any personal experiences? Any feedback? Am I doing too much or too little to protect my own status in the company? Arrrrrgh, how I hate job politics!!!